A Potbellied Imp

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Location: Old Stargazer Clan Hall
Levels: 60-145
Boss Kill: 60-145
Availability: 60-145
Marks: Polarity


*update* As of 29 March 2019 it would seem align requirements have been removed.


  1. First, check if the wizard in Stargazer is wearing his spellbook, if he doesn't have it you need to kill him to try and get him to repop with it, currently he has a 50%~ chance to load with it. If you give him the corpse now he'll mention not having his spellbook, you have to kill him to get him to reload with one, and the corpse will disappear.
  2. Activate the master necromancer in the library in Sigil by walking into his room with a -500 (or close) aligned character. He should talk.
  3. Retrieve a corpse from Damnation, within the Gath temple in the Towne of Xaventry. The corpse is in the last room of Damnation (the room with the UP to CPK). Dig here and get corpse. Mutini herbs help. Once you've got it, UP, flee NE, and you get teleported; north up south and enter portal.
  4. Walk into Old Stargazer Clan Hall with the corpse, the wizard will ask for the corpse, give it to him and if he has a spellbook will resurrect Agnes.
  5. Agnes pops somewhere on the road between Templeton and Tellerium. Kill her, finishing blow MUST BE WITH SLASH. She casts witch spells but isn't too hard, 2-3 well-healed 120s should be sufficient. She'll drop a skull. Give this to the -500 align character.
  6. Give a mug of coffee (obtained from some mob on the street of Tellerium) to the shivering tourist in the Garden of Champions. He'll tell you Suddard is buried in a graveyard on Sepharia.
  7. The person holding the skull of the witch Agnes should DIG in every grave room in the Rune Graveyard. Can take over 40-50 digs depending on your dig skill. One of the rooms will have Suddard, who will trigger on the skull, and create a Talisman of Ithrillis. DO NOT HAVE SOMEONE WITHOUT SKULL DIG UP SUDDARD. If person with skull isn't present when Suddard is dug up it can break the whole run and you'll have to wait till reboot/crash to have it reset.
Last try, Suddard was in NE graveyard section, 2 west from NEmost graveyard.
  1. The Talisman of Ithrillis is buried at the Circle of Stones in Desert Of Thorn (NE corner). Recover it.
  2. Give the Talisman to the -500 aligned character. Walk into the room with the wizard at Old Stargazer Clan Hall, and he'll create a portal down. The character with the talisman can now lead a form down to a potbellied imp's room.


  1. NPK.
  2. You will need the -500~ align character to lead the formation down to the imp as you cannot go down to the imp with out them.
  3. Depending on where the down room is created (I assume it's made where ever the Kaizher is standing at the time) you may need to have your form made in a non-windy room then run down into the imp's path right after a tick to avoid being unformed.
  4. Form of 4-5 recommended (3 absolute minimum).
  5. Immune necro, plague, poison. Resist fire, ice, magic. Vulnerable lightning, light, energy.
  6. He poisons the form and does room attacks. Recommend mixing HE and cure poison herbs.
  7. Fleeing in any direction but SW leads to a DT.
  8. He'll repop 3-4 times then stop repopping for about 36 hours. (May be old)
  9. His fire breath attacks can blind so having calm to walk out if your form members get blinded is very useful, as they will most likely end up in the DT if they flee. Cure blindness would also be helpful.
  10. Not aggro.



 A Recently Plundered Grave                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

  This grave has been ransacked by someone hoping to get his hands on some
buried loot.  There is dirt all around the area from frenzied digging, and
looking down into the grave you see the broken coffin.  The lid has a gaping
hole in it, probably from an axe, and splinters of wood lie all around the
coffin.  You also notice that the corpse is gone and wonder what anyone
would want with a decayed body.
A shrieking spectre floats by.
A corpse riddled with maggots stalks the graveyard.
A corpse riddled with maggots stalks the graveyard.
A corpse riddled with maggots stalks the graveyard.
A pile of bones suddenly forms into a skeleton and charges you.
A pile of bones suddenly forms into a skeleton and charges you.
Rufio rides in from the south.
Rufio begins digging in the area with a wood and iron spade and a well-used pick axe...

Rufio unearths the corpse of Reverend Suddard! The undead shade of Reverend Suddard pops out of the ground! 'Hello?!' the undead shade of Reverend Suddard asks. 'What is it??' The undead shade of Reverend Suddard blinks and rubs his eyes.

The undead shade of Reverend Suddard gasps in astonishment. 'That mark...' the undead shade of Reverend Suddard says. 'Agnes?!' 'Her fool lover finally managed to pull her back...' the undead shade of Reverend Suddard says. 'I knew I should have proselytized him when I had the chance.' The undead shade of Reverend Suddard says, 'He follows a dark path now, and I do not know if he can still be called back.'

Rufio stops digging around in the area.

The undead shade of Reverend Suddard says, 'Were not...'

The undead shade of Reverend Suddard looks at himself.

A maggot eaten corpse leaves south.

'For my present state, I would go to battle myself.' the undead shade of Reverend Suddard says. 'Unfortunately, I am unable to. Is it possible that someone such as yourself could manage the task?'

Rufio says, 'Yes'

Rufio says something to the undead shade of Reverend Suddard. 'Good.' the undead shade of Reverend Suddard says.

'Gather my belongings, I...' the undead shade of Reverend Suddard says.

The undead shade of Reverend Suddard appears to be pondering the question carefully.

'Actually, I think that all those dwarves on Irda took my equipment.' the undead shade of Reverend Suddard says.

'No, you don't have any chance there.' the undead shade of Reverend Suddard says. 'Search for my pendant.'

'I hid it in...' the undead shade of Reverend Suddard says. 'The northeastern part of Thorn, I believe, while being chased by soldiers.'

'Take it to Kaizher, quickly, before he resurrects Agnes again.' the undead shade of Reverend Suddard says. 'I only pray that it is not too late for his soul.'


You gingerly hop over the overturned gurneys, and find yourself in a ruined laboratory.

 A Destroyed Laboratory                                 -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  Two overturned, steel gurneys block the entrance to this room, but they
are easily stepped over.  This room is a mess, primarily intentionally and
additionally subjected to the ravages of time.  A huge mess was made of this
room a long time ago, most likely by vandals after discovering this
abandoned hall.  Smashed medical instruments, bent trays and crumpled
paperwork litters the floor, making it nearly impossible to even seen the
green-and-white tiled floor.  On the eastern wall, a row of cabinets is set
into the wall, with heavy steel doors like in the morgue.  Precipitation
hangs lightly on the doors, like morning dew on lilies.  These are no
lilies, however, and the proud tone of this hall takes a sudden turn towards
the morbid.

A streak of blue light arcs out a talisman of Ithrilis, and strikes a fiendish wizard squarely in the chest.

A fiendish wizard exclaims, 'NO!'

A fiendish wizard falls to the floor, writing in agony.

Yung flies through the air, landing in a pile of shattered test tubes. Unharmed, he gets up and starts exploring the laboratory.

 A Destroyed Laboratory                                 -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Two overturned, steel gurneys block the entrance to this room, but they
are easily stepped over.  This room is a mess, primarily intentionally and
additionally subjected to the ravages of time.  A huge mess was made of this
room a long time ago, most likely by vandals after discovering this
abandoned hall.  Smashed medical instruments, bent trays and crumpled
paperwork litters the floor, making it nearly impossible to even seen the
green-and-white tiled floor.  On the eastern wall, a row of cabinets is set
into the wall, with heavy steel doors like in the morgue.  Precipitation
hangs lightly on the doors, like morning dew on lilies.  These are no
lilies, however, and the proud tone of this hall takes a sudden turn towards
the morbid.
[Duelist] *Yung Humma, fisherman, is here.

Rufio flies through the air, landing in a pile of shattered test tubes. Unharmed, he gets up and starts exploring the laboratory.

A fiendish wizard is overcome by a healthy blue glow.

Rufio looks at a fiendish wizard.

A fiendish wizard stands up.

Yung attempts to form with you, but a sudden gust of wind seperates the two of you again.

'I...' a fiendish wizard says. 'Have found myself.'

 A Destroyed Laboratory                                 -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  Two overturned, steel gurneys block the entrance to this room, but they
are easily stepped over.  This room is a mess, primarily intentionally and
additionally subjected to the ravages of time.  A huge mess was made of this
room a long time ago, most likely by vandals after discovering this
abandoned hall.  Smashed medical instruments, bent trays and crumpled
paperwork litters the floor, making it nearly impossible to even seen the
green-and-white tiled floor.  On the eastern wall, a row of cabinets is set
into the wall, with heavy steel doors like in the morgue.  Precipitation
hangs lightly on the doors, like morning dew on lilies.  These are no
lilies, however, and the proud tone of this hall takes a sudden turn towards
the morbid.
[Clan 52] (Q) ***Rufio the Adventurer is here, mounted on a tame dragon.

[Duelist] *Yung Humma, fisherman, is here.

Kaizher hangs his head.

Kaizher says, 'All of this time, living in the darkness.'

'Orly' Rufio says.

Kaizher says, 'I've spent my life seeking peace, by causing pain in others.'

Kaizher shakes his head. Sigh, oh well.

'I need a lifestyle change..' Kaizher says. 'I don't think that I'll be back.'

Erdric flies through the air, landing in a pile of shattered test tubes. Unharmed, he gets up and starts exploring the laboratory.

'Thank you for showing me the way, Daffy.' Kaizher says. 'I only wish that you'd been here sooner. I don't feel violent anymore, but if you care to avenge my lost years, my previous 'master' is down

there.. '

Krine flies through the air, landing in a pile of shattered test tubes. Unharmed, she gets up and starts exploring the laboratory.

Katrena flies through the air, landing in a pile of shattered test tubes. Unharmed, she gets up and starts exploring the laboratory.

Kaizher disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

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Last edited February 21, 2020 9:21 pm by Izayoi (diff)