The Executioner

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Location: Cavhfail
Levels: 241, a form of 3-4 decent archons is recommended
Boss Kill: up to level 241
Who Area: planar

CPK gear and standard mem & reagent check. A few calm herbs can be helpful if you're unfamiliar with this boss. Standard run formation with the tank in FC. This mob is NO FLEE, you must CALM to exit his room.

Directions to the Executioner:
Follow the Cavhfail Keep Password guide to obtain a password, and enter the keep. Once inside the keep, go w, n, 2w, nw, ne, u, e, n, 2e, n, d, 2e, 3n. Picklock the door east.

Executioner Encounter

Spell up, check mems and prepare for CPK. Head down, west, and then search for a hidden down again into the Ezecutioner's room. He does not aggro (I don't think, or its that you can calm and he won't reaggro...TBC) He can hit pretty hard on the tank, so keep them healed up well. Spell him up fully, then focus on healing the tank. Be prepared for an instant-slay emote attack that will automatically wipe out the tank. The tank should be able to loot him/herself no problem, though, unless someone else is lurking nearby. Rinse and repeat until he's dead.

Loot - nothing very good drops, unfortunately...

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Last edited May 2, 2013 7:36 am by Dyna (diff)