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Gath - Fire

Gath Deities il and Corruption'''

Gath Spells

*Mystical School (50% Complexity)
*Character (Self) Target
*Classes Granted This Skill: Archon
*Races Granted This Skill: (No player races)
*Costs 2 practices per percent learned.
*This is a religious spell, requiring 135 piety+benevolence to Gath
*This spell belongs to the Mystical school.

 enhanced fireshield - learn to maximize damage inflicted by fireshield.

 Enhanced fireshield is the study of the fireshield spell, to maximize its
 utility and functionality when affected by the fireshield spell. Its
 successful application is dependent on its caster's sanity, its caster's 
 knowledge of enhanced fireshield, and its caster's spell complexity
 comprehension. If successfully applied, enhanced  fireshield will reflect back
 40% of the damage the caster takes after armor and other defensive modifiers
 are applied; in addition, the caster will be healed for 50% of the damage the
 opponent takes from the fire damage after armor and other defensive

*Enchantment School (50% Complexity)
*(No Specific Target) Target
*Classes Granted This Skill: (No player classes)
*Races Granted This Skill: (No player races)
*Spell Points Required: 72 to 175
*Costs 5 practices per percent learned.
*Consumes 5 fire reagents when cast.
*This skill is elemental.
*This spell belongs to the Enchantment school.

 ember carom - shoots fiery material at a victim, lighting them on fire
 cast 'ember carom' <victim name>
 This spell ignites a piece of material and sends it shooting into the midst of
 their victim's formation and every other valid target in the room, up to a
 maximum of 8. Every time the ember caroms off of one victim, it will set that
 victim on fire with 'burning ember', and increase in damage by 10%. The damage
 dealt by the ember is partially correlated to its caster's sanity.

*Enchantment School (50% Complexity)
*Character (Self) Target, 5 second cast time
*Cooldown: 900 seconds (1 use triggers)
*Classes Granted This Skill: Archon
*Races Granted This Skill: (No player races)
*Spell Points Required: 125 to 225
*Drains 50 Stamina per tick, while active.
*Costs 2 practices per percent learned.
*Consumes 6 fire reagents when cast.
*This skill cannot be used underwater.
*This spell involves a verbal component.
*This spell involves a somatic component.
*This spell can be cast without a spellbook.
*This is a religious spell, requiring 225 piety+benevolence to Gath
*This spell belongs to the Enchantment school.

 lava cloak - provides resistance to weapons, in exchange for constant stamina
 cast 'lava cloak'
 This spell encases the caster in a layer of cooling lava, providing
 resistance to weapon damage. The amount of resistance is 9 + (Gath's 
 Benevolence / 100), and in exchange for this blessing, a significant amount
 of stamina is consumed every tick that lava cloak is active.

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Last edited January 22, 2012 6:39 pm by Kaczia (diff)