VIP Mud Scripts

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VIP Mud Scripts

Navigation Type Scripts

Materia Magica has a number of large playable maps, and getting around quickly and efficiently is a must. VIP Mud comes with the most basic of movement functions and its built-in speedwalk system leaves a lot to be desired. Fortunately, a few scripts is all it takes to exchange the client's few shortfalls for an array of extremely powerful tools.

Message Handling Type Scripts

One of the greater difficulties for visually impaired players involves keeping up with messages sent by other players while combat continues to rage. Scripts designed to improve our chances of keeping up fall into this category and are considered required by many advanced players. Because there is always more than one way to skin a cat, there may be an assortment of scripts providing much the same function. Which is best is likely a matter of personal choice.

Sound Trigger Type Scripts

Rather than trying to read every line of text, we can play sounds to indicate what and exactly when events are happening in the game. So much of being a better player depends on timing, and many of these scripts make the difference between getting bye and excelling. And yes, some sounds are just damn funny.

Scripts For Download

navigation.set : This number pad navigation script allows you to send movement commands simply by using the number keys at the right of your standard keyboard. With the number lock on, you can move in all cardinal directions, including up and down, with numbers 1 through 9. Considering 5 is at the center, and each surrounding number moves you in that direction. Control-5 moves you up, and 5 moves you down. Other features include several number pad commands and a "backstep" function. Includes tracking for keyed in movement & numpad movement, and opens doors when you bump into them. See the instructions section of the file for more details.

formation.set : This script captures messages sent to your formation, and allows you to browse a list of recent messages when you have time to take a breath. It also plays a sound file to keep you updated. Simply hit F2 to call up the dialog box and escape to close. See the instructions section of the file for details.

clan.set : This script captures messages sent to your clan, and allows you to browse a list of recent messages when you get a break in the action. It plays a sound for each message to keep you updated. Use "Shift+F2" to open the list of messages and escape to close. See the instructions section of the file for details.

tell.set : This script captures messages sent directly to you by other players. It plays a sound to keep you informed, and allows you to browse a list of recent messages. Hit "Control+F2" to open the list and escape to close. See the instructions portion of the file for details.

notify.set : This script simply plays sounds for players in your notify list logging on and off. It could be expanded to distinguish between different groups, but this is a good example of a basic sound trigger.

Organizing your VIP Scripts

One of the most important things in writing and maintaining scripts for VIP is learning how to organize them. When you begin to get more experienced and in depth with your mud you'll quickly collect quite the large amount of scripts. Since VIP currently has a limit to how much each set file can hold as far as size, it becomes increasingly more important to organize similar scripts into their own set files. This allows for you to have seemingly endless space to use in developing complex scripts.

Once you have each set of scripts organized into their own set files you can then use the load command to load each of those sets of scripts whenever you need them. However, when doing it this way it is important to keep in mind that any scripts you wish to work on multiple characters at the same time you need to make the triggers, aliases, and keys global. If they are not created as global then the scripts will only load for one character at a time.>br>

For example, let's say you have created a set file that is called soundtriggers.set which contains all of your basic sound triggers to keep you alerted to various things going on in the game. Since you more than likely want these scripts to activate for any character you have on the mud, you want to make all of these triggers with the #GTRIGGER command. Also, to load this set file you would just write the following line in your materia magica set file: #Load soundtriggers.set noremove. This will then load all the scripts within the soundtriggers.set file for any character you have loaded.</p>

Scripts for Download

Worldgates.set : This rather long and complex script checks the moon phases and displays the current worldgates. Once loaded simply type time and the line which usually shows your moon phases will now show the worldgates as well.

Ironworm.set : This useful script allows you to ride the worm securely and automatically for any character. Once loaded just buy the token of your choice and when its your turn it will automatically hand the token you purchased to Ganuk.

Missingaffects.set : This script checks your preferred list of affects to your current affects and displays any missing affects at the bottom of your affects list. Once loaded simply type affects and a line will appear at the end if any of your preferred spellups are missing.

Autoflee.set : This fairly simple command actually works for fleeing, attacking, and entering a portal. It is used when in a formation with someone and your form member says on form talk to either flee direction, k or kill mob, and enter portal.

Related Pages

Sight Impaired Client Guide
Other prefered clients
An overview and links for downloading the client
VIP Mud Script Loading Guide
A user's guide for understanding and using scripts
VIP Mud Script Creation Guide
instructions on how to make, edit, and publish your own scripts

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Last edited April 22, 2012 10:54 am by Kaczia (diff)