Mark Of Martyr

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Location: Aequtus
Levels: 25 - 241

Requirements: Must have Mark of Passion. Must be levitated.

Mark value: 20

Estimate this mark's experience for level

Go to Aequtus and locate the sad girl, named Briesha, on the northeast path, in "A Chilly Hut (196223)".

From the dead end at the Aequtus entrance 'enter fog'. There are eight possible paths, if the northeast path is not open, TURN the crystal at "The Beacon of Ina" the appropriate number of times to reveal it.

In her description, it shows: +++ if, far above, two full moons illuminate this lonely village in the dead of night, perhaps one might ask Briesha about the Martyr and their lonely fate.

You say to Briesha, 'Martyr' Briesha glances at the full moons far above, and sensing her looming fate, hurries off to the slopes of the volcano.

If moons are not full/full, she responds: 'The Moons are not right.' Briesha says. 'I cannot be the Martyr without full moons...'

Follow Briesha to the foot of the volcano, "A Sacrificial Ledge", where you should see Briesha with a group of villagers (e.g. A fanatic villager exclaims, 'Ina...Sahra...sola!!').

'By sacrifice I give life.' Briesha says. 'By sacrifice I am given life. Who will sacrifice for me?'

You say, 'I will' Briesha gives you a sweet little kiss. Hmmm... maybe she likes you?

'By this sacrifice you will be given the chance to bring the light of balance to the world.' Briesha says. 'Step forth into the mouth of the beast and be reborn.' Briesha points her delicate finger down into the mouth of the volcano.

d You must be levitating in order to move there.

d For making the ultimate sacrifice, the Powers have granted thee a Mark. You have been granted the Mark of Martyr! You gain 50 archon points! You gain 59 practices! A fiery ball of gas belches forth as the volcano is momentarily fueled.

Your long journey downward comes to a sudden and fiery stop as your body is incinerated in one quick 'pffFFT'. (this is a deathtrap, after all)

For making the ultimate sacrifice, the Powers have granted thee a Mark.
You have been granted the Mark of Martyr!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 491,000 experience points!


NOTE that if more than one character is hoping for the Mark during those elusive full/full moons... there is a cooldown that seems to equate to the 25-minute area repop time. If you are watching as somebody does the Mark, you see: Briesha suddenly bursts into tears and runs off, followed by the village elder.

On repop, Briesha may appear right at "A Sacrificial Ledge", rather than in her hut. She can be tracked, provided you are in, or have open, the NE section of Aequtus.

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Last edited September 9, 2013 7:48 am by Eljay (diff)