Mark Of Inheritance

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Location: The Proving Grounds and Darksea
Level: 241

Kill 10 sea elf priests and warriors on floor 14 of PG to obtain the item 'The Will of the Sea Elves'. Take the Will to floor 15, and head to the Northwest corner there should be a NW exit with a locked NW that the Will will open. You'll meet The shade of Arquass Grintooth who will get all up inside your body after sending you on a mission to save Darksea and his lineage.

Head down to Darksea in Old SUG and take the northeast path, the first east/ne you run into will grant you the mark of Inheritance. I believe if you go further around and down the next east/ne path you can get the mark of Misery but I have not tested it.

You focus your powers of observation on the Will of the Sea Elves:
Item 'the Will of the Sea Elves' is type key, alignment 0, made of energy (in (new) condition),[Study][LTB]
has keywords 'will sea elves key physical form'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 98 pebbles, and is valued at 50,375 gold. {Cat. 6}
This level 241 item has the attributes: durable vanish-on-expiry none
This item will vanish at the end of its lifespan, on Tue Aug 29 11:02:08 2023, and cannot be renewed.
This key may be used 1 more time.
Alters knowledge of 'water evocation' by 10%.
Casts the level 99 spell, 'underwater breathing'.
*This item may be repaired 4 times.
The will of the sea elves has taken physical form.

 A Prison on the Fifteenth Level                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: NPK                                           -      -     SE
  Visible Exits: Se 
[gmcp #-99]
A spectral sahuagin floats in the center of the room.
'By Zeqolas, a half-elf!' the shade of Arquass Grintooth, chieftain of Darksea exclaims. 'You have found me at last!'
The shade of Arquass Grintooth, chieftain of Darksea asks, 'Too late to save me, perhaps, but do you bring me news of
 my son?'
The shade of Arquass Grintooth, chieftain of Darksea exclaims, 'If he lives and Darksea yet survives, the mantle of
 Grintooth may save my people yet!'
'Take my message back to Anamor, that I will have not died in vain.' the shade of Arquass Grintooth, chieftain of
 Darksea says.
The shade of Arquass Grintooth, chieftain of Darksea disappears into your body, ready for soul transport.

You open the northeast door.
[gmcp: indoors, solitary, no-recall, NPK / underwater]

 Deep Within the Reef                                   -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: NPK                                           SW     -      -
  Visible Exits: Sw 
[gmcp #155153]
*A gaping maw full of teeth races towards you.
'You...' Anamor Grintooth, heir apparent to Darksea says. 'You found my father!'
The shade of Arquass Grintooth, chieftain of Darksea emerges from your body, his soul successfully transported.
The shade of Arquass Grintooth, chieftain of Darksea says something to Anamor Grintooth, heir apparent to Darksea.
The shade of Arquass Grintooth, chieftain of Darksea nods at Anamor Grintooth, heir apparent to Darksea.
The shade of Arquass Grintooth, chieftain of Darksea hugs Anamor Grintooth, heir apparent to Darksea gently. How sweet!
Anamor Grintooth, heir apparent to Darksea says, 'Thank you, father.'
An ear-splitting organ chord sounds, and the shade of Arquass Grintooth, chieftain of Darksea disappears in a
 shimmering silver mist.
For preventing a war of succession in Darksea, the Powers have granted thee a Mark.

You have gained the Mark of Inheritance!
You gain 43 practices!
You gain 500 archon points!

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Last edited September 20, 2023 10:30 am by Ithilwen (diff)