Mark Of Astronomy

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Location: Lowangen
Level: 200+

Obtain fallen stars from:

Go to Lowangen with all 4 stars, walk into Animal hides where the camouflaged man is, walk in and out based on what he says and receive mark.

Note: Having the stars spread out on up to 4 people, will allow all to get the mark.

Update: Stars decay really fast (15 min RL~) are nodrop nouncurse and no-rent. You must coordinate with others to get all the stars at similar times.

Animal Hides                                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

  This small shop seems to be dedicated to the collection of small animal
pelts.  All along the walls are the pelts of various creatures, some of
which you have never seen before.  The smell in the shop reminds you of a
leather shop, as many of the same oils used in tanning leather are also used
on pelts.  
[Clan 114] ***Chaosfire <-ChaoS-> is here.
[Clan 75] **Dasis is here.
Alerion stands before you tanning another hide.
A camouflaged man sits here, chin in his hands, flaming quiver at his feet.
Gulin drifts in from the south.
'Oh!' a dejected hunter exclaims. 'Gee, Thaen, you found the blue star! Now, if only we had the rest...'
'Oh, wait, they're all here!' a dejected hunter exclaims. 'Yay!'
A dejected hunter takes all four of the stars, kisses each in turn, and throws them into the sky, reassembling the heavens.
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For doing your part in the defense and restoration of the stars themselves, the Powers have granted thee a mark.
You have been granted The Mark of Astronomy!
You gain 20 practices!

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Last edited May 21, 2019 7:13 am by Vivi (diff)