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Information for Clan Diversity (Tribe):
Title: Diversity
Motto: Diversity is life... Life is Knowledge... Knowledge is Power.
Creation Date: Sun Jun 20 03:37:15 1999
Owner(s): Renee, Chaton, Ardant, Raemae
Members: 50/57
Chaton         Ardant         Raemae         Zeil           Zei            
Kanina         Kona           Chibby         Carolyn        Nixcraft       
Calum          Ithilwen       Eljay          Luciaan        Renee          
Dreven         Galalad        Fluke          Coaa           Lynarlan       
Reznov         Papaya         Kyale          Cognius        Briony         
Ailey          Dragunov       Rokai          Olyvia         Viskon         
Railin         Yvar           Moostoron      Elemyr         Alvah          
Tolone         Eliann         Wabbit         Mayana         Eliyo          
Kroo           Toothhater     Vinpher        Gravekeeper    Grimheart      
Koliah         Grimfeet       Vudd           Rezah          Aldrick     
Favored Religion: Ithrilis (23% Homogenous)
Clan Homepage: http://orderofchaos.org/?Diversity
Reputation: 5000 (Saintly)
Allied: Member of Heralds of Knowledge Alliance [27] since Sat Apr 19 20:45:40 2014.
Clan Leaders: Galalad, Ithilwen, Renee, Reznov

/  ________________________________________________________________________  \ 
| |                                                                        | |
| |   Diversity was established June 1999 by Wizardress and Underdog, and  | |
| |   remains to be one of the most active clans in Alyria to date.  With  | |
| |   a friendly, encouraging clan atmosphere, the clan is more like a     | |
| |   family than anything else.  Diversity is always accepting members,   | |
| |   no matter the level.  The only qualifications to join this clan are  | |
| |   that you are active, positive, and helpful.                          | |
| |                                                                        | |
| |                          *        *         *                          | |
| |                                                                        | |
| |   Please contact a clan member if you are interested in applying.      | |
| |________________________________________________________________________| |
Clan Mortality Statistics:
* NPCs slain by members: [3265965]   Members slain by NPCs:         [24176  ]
* LPKs by clan members:  [3720   ]   Members LPKed:                 [4553   ]
* NPKs by clan members:  [1882   ]   Members NPKed:                 [4270   ]
* CPKs by clan members:  [53     ]   Members CPKed:                 [276    ]
* PKs out of normal PK:  [37     ]   Members PKed out of normal PK: [96     ]

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Last edited May 20, 2016 7:58 pm by Ithilwen (diff)