Spell Strings

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Offical spell strings list, posted by Duende. Cross-posted from the message boards, just in case. No organization attempt has been made yet.

	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning pulls [victim], shrieking, back into [his/her/its] own plane of existence.|X {third parties}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning pulls you, shrieking, back into your own plane of existence.|X {victim}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning pulls [victim], shrieking, back into [his/her/its] own plane of existence.|X {caster}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning pulls [victim], shrieking, back into [his/her/its] own plane of existence.|X {third parties}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning pulls you, shrieking, back into your own plane of existence.|X {victim}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning pulls [victim], shrieking, back into [his/her/its] own plane of existence.|X {caster}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning opens, and [victim] is unceremoniously tossed through.|X {third parties}
	|RThe portal closes with an ear-splitting BANG! {everyone in the room}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning pulls [victim], shrieking, back into [his/her/its] own plane of existence.|X {third parties}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning pulls you, shrieking, back into your own plane of existence.|X {victim}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning pulls [victim], shrieking, back into [his/her/its] own plane of existence.|X {caster}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning opens, and [victim] is unceremoniously tossed through.|X {third parties}
	|RThe portal closes with an ear-splitting BANG! {everyone in the room}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning pulls [victim], shrieking, back into [his/her/its] own plane of existence.|X {third parties}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning pulls you, shrieking, back into your own plane of existence.|X {victim}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning pulls [victim], shrieking, back into [his/her/its] own plane of existence.|X {caster}
	|RA swirling vortex of prismatic lightning opens, and [victim] is unceremoniously tossed through.|X {third parties}
	|RThe portal closes with an ear-splitting BANG! {everyone in the room}
	|RSpectral flames surround [victim] as [he/she/it] is struck by the force of [caster]'s abjuration.|X {third parties}
	|RSpectral flames surround you as you are struck by the force of [caster]'s abjuration.|X {victim}
	|RSpectral flames surround [victim] as [he/she/it] is struck by the force of your abjuration.|X {caster}
	A stream of acid shoots from [caster]'s fingers towards [victim]. {third parties}
	A stream of acid shoots from your fingers towards [victim]. {caster}
	A stream of acid shoots from [caster]'s fingers towards you. {victim}
	There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as the air is hardened around [victim]. {third parties}
	[victim]'s eyes flare with a violet light, before fading. {third parties}
	Your vision flashes violet for a second, before returning to normal. {caster}
	You feel a burst of heat around your feet as they glow with a reddish fire that soon fades. {caster}
	|R[victim]'s feet glow with a bright reddish fire, that soon fades.|X {third parties}
	You create a very small temporospatial claudication directly around [victim]'s body, and [victim]'s time field becomes slightly out of sync with everyone else. {caster}
	[victim] appears to be moving much slower, creating an odd rippling effect in the air around [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	A strange streaking haze overtakes your vision as everything around you appears to be moving slightly slower. {victim}
	You create a very small temporospatial claudication directly around [victim]'s body, and [victim]'s time field becomes slightly out of sync with everyone else. {caster}
	[victim] appears to be moving much slower, creating an odd rippling effect in the air around [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	A strange streaking haze overtakes your vision as everything around you appears to be moving slightly slower. {victim}
	[object] has already been blessed. {caster}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	[object] practically glows with goodness, it's not going to get much better. {caster}
	[object] glows with a brilliant blue aura as the taint of dark magic is burned from it. {everyone in the room}
	The evil that saturates [object] repulses your magic. {caster}
	[object] glows with a brilliant blue aura as the taint of dark magic is burned from it. {everyone in the room}
	The evil that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	[object] glows with a brilliant blue aura as the taint of dark magic is burned from it. {everyone in the room}
	The evil that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	[object] glows with a brilliant aura. {everyone in the room}
	[victim] glows briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades. {third parties}
	A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of your closed eyes. {victim}
	A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of [victim]'s closed eyes. {third parties}
	A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of your eyes, but you shut them just in time! {victim}
	A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of [victim]'s eyes, but [he/she/it] shuts them just in time. {third parties}
	A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of your eyes! {victim}
	A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of [victim]'s eyes! {third parties}
	A brilliant spark arcs from [caster]'s fingertips to [victim]. {third parties}
	A brilliant spark arcs from your fingertips to [victim]. {caster}
	A brilliant spark arcs from [caster]'s fingertips to you! {victim}
	|YA calming wave of energy washes over you, but nothing else happens.|X {everyone in the room}
	|YA calming wave of energy washes over you.|X {everyone in the room}
	[caster] attempts to calm [victim], but [he/she/it] is too irked. {third parties}
	[caster] attempts to calm you, but you are too irked. {victim}
	You attempt to calm [victim], but [he/she/it] is too irked. {caster}
	[victim] looks taken aback, and stops fighting in earnest for a moment. {caster}
	[victim] looks taken aback, and stops fighting in earnest for a moment. {third parties}
	You feel strangely subdued. {victim}
	A harsh red aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then fades abruptly. {third parties}
	A harsh red aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then fades abruptly. {caster}
	A harsh red aura surrounds you for a moment, then fades abruptly. {victim}
	A harsh red aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then fades abruptly. {third parties}
	A harsh red aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then fades abruptly. {caster}
	A harsh red aura surrounds you for a moment, then fades abruptly. {victim}
	A harsh red aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then fades abruptly. {third parties}
	A harsh red aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then fades abruptly. {caster}
	A harsh red aura surrounds you for a moment, then fades abruptly. {victim}
	[victim] has already had [his/her/its](?) sex changed. {caster}
	[victim] doesn't look like [him/her/it]self anymore... {third parties}
	[victim] is already in a formation. {caster}
	You blow a sparkling lavender dust at [victim]... {caster}
	[caster] blows a sparkling lavender dust at [victim]... {third parties}
	[caster] blows a sparkling lavender dust at you... {victim}
	[victim] looks at you with adoring eyes. {caster}
	[victim] looks at [caster] with adoring eyes. {third parties}
	[caster]'s fingertips brush [victim], and a small patch of ice remains. {third parties}
	[caster]'s fingertips brush you, and a small patch of ice remains. {victim}
	Your fingertips brush [victim], and a small patch of ice remains. {caster}
	A sudden, painful chill sinks icily into your being. {caster}
	[caster] gasps, then shivers, as a painful chill sinks icily into [his/her/its] being. {third parties}
	A prismatic arc of pure light streams from [caster]'s fingertips, bursting in front of [victim]! {third parties}
	A prismatic arc of pure light streams from [caster]'s fingertips, bursting in front of you! {victim}
	A prismatic arc of pure light streams from your fingertips, bursting in front of [victim]! {caster}
	You have been blinded! {victim}
	[victim] has been blinded! {third parties}
	[victim] has been blinded! {caster}
	[caster] twiddles [his/her/its] thumbs and [object] appears. {third parties}
	You twiddle your thumbs and [object] appears. {caster}
	[object]: you can't carry that much weight. {caster}
	[object] disappears with a small flash of light. {everyone in the room}
	[object] falls to the ground. {everyone in the room}
	[object]: you can't carry that many items. {caster}
	[object] disappears with a small flash of light. {everyone in the room}
	[object] falls to the ground. {everyone in the room}
	[victim]'s cheeks bulge out, filling with food. {third parties}
	Your cheeks bulge with food, nearly choking you with surprise and cheesecake. {victim}
	[victim]'s cheeks bulge out, full with food. {caster}
	[object] flows from the ground. {third parties}
	[object] flows from the ground. {caster}
	[object] plumes up from the water. {third parties}
	[object] plumes up from the water. {caster}
	[object] lowers a bit and changes hue. {everyone in the room}
	[object] flows from the ground. {third parties}
	[object] flows from the ground. {caster}
	[object] plumes up from the water. {third parties}
	[object] plumes up from the water. {caster}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	There isn't any magic bound into [object]. {caster}
	You are not able to affect the magical field surrounding [object]. {caster}
	You cannot affect [object]'s magical field any further. {caster}
	[object] crackles with bluish-tinged energy as the magical field surrounding it is magnified. {caster}
	[object] crackles with bluish-tinged energy as the magical field surrounding it is magnified by [caster]. {third parties}
	There isn't a spell inscribed upon [object]. {caster}
	You cannot affect [object]'s magical field any further. {caster}
	[object] crackles with yellowish-tinged energy as the magical field surrounding it is magnified. {caster}
	[object] crackles with yellowish-tinged energy as the magical field surrounding it is magnified by [caster]. {third parties}
	You are not able to affect the magical field surrounding [object]. {caster}
	There isn't a spell bound into [object]. {caster}
	You cannot affect [object]'s magical field any further. {caster}
	[object] crackles with greenish-tinged energy as the magical field surrounding it is magnified. {caster}
	[object] crackles with greenish-tinged energy as the magical field surrounding it is magnified by [caster]. {third parties}
	You are not able to affect the magical field surrounding [object]. {caster}
	There does not appear to be any magical field surrounding [object] that you can multiply. {caster}
	|R[object] explodes in your hands due to the stress caused by the increased magical energy flowing through it.|X {caster}
	|R[object] explodes in [caster]'s hands.|X {third parties}
	[object] appears with a puff of smoke. {third parties}
	[object] appears with a puff of smoke. {caster}
	[object] shrinks and shrinks and vanishes with a loud POP! {everyone in the room}
	A faint mist appears hovering in the air, then solidifies into an oddly-distorted pair of red lips. {third parties}
	A faint mist appears hovering in the air, then solidifies into an oddly-distorted pair of red lips. {caster}
	[object] flows from the ground. {third parties}
	[object] flows from the ground. {caster}
	[object] plumes up from the water. {third parties}
	[object] plumes up from the water. {caster}
	[object] sparkles with magic as it is filled with pure water. {caster}
	[victim] doesn't appear to be blinded. {caster}
	[victim] is no longer blinded. {third parties}
	[victim] seems to be less impaired. {third parties}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then softly fades. {third parties}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades. {victim}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then softly fades. {caster}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades. {caster}
	[victim] doesn't appear to be suffering from plague. {caster}
	[victim] looks relieved as [his/her/its] plague is cured. {third parties}
	[victim] seems to be suffering less. {third parties}
	[victim] is surrounded by an ochre glow as the last vestiges of [disease] are burned from [his/her/its] body. {caster}
	[victim] is surrounded by an ochre glow as the last vestiges of [disease] are burned from [his/her/its] body. {victim}
	You are surrounded by an ochre glow as the last vestiges of [disease] are burned from your body. {third parties}
	[victim] is surrounded by an ochre glow, but nothing much seems to happen. {caster}
	You are surrounded by an ochre glow, but nothing much seems to happen. {victim}
	[victim] is surrounded by an ochre glow, but nothing much seems to happen. {third parties}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then softly fades. {third parties}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades. {victim}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then softly fades. {caster}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades. {caster}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	[object] is not poisoned. {caster}
	[object] glows with a sickly greenish light as the poison is burned from it. {everyone in the room}
	[object] is not envenomed. {caster}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	[object] glows with a sickly greenish light as the poison is burned from it. {everyone in the room}
	You can't remove poison from [object]. {caster}
	[victim] doesn't appear to be poisoned. {caster}
	[victim] looks relieved as the poison is burned from [his/her/its] body. {third parties}
	[victim] seems to be suffering less. {third parties}
	[victim] looks relieved as the poison is burned from [his/her/its] body. {third parties}
	[victim] seems to be suffering less. {third parties}
	[victim] looks relieved as the poison is burned from [his/her/its] body. {third parties}
	[victim] seems to be suffering less. {third parties}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then softly fades. {third parties}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades. {victim}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then softly fades. {caster}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades. {caster}
	A haze of crimson and gold sparks flit across your field of vision. {caster}
	[victim] blinks rapidly, several times. {third parties}
	You feel a sharp prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened. {caster}
	[victim] stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes [his/her/its] head. {third parties}
	You feel a soft prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened. {caster}
	[victim] stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes [his/her/its] head. {third parties}
	You feel a prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened. {caster}
	[victim] stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes [his/her/its] head. {third parties}
	|MA violet-blue aura of negating magic briefly blankets the area!|X {everyone in the room}
	A tremendous, deafening clap of thunder resounds throughout the area. {everyone in the room}
	[victim] steps backwards slightly as the energy wave passes through [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	[victim] steps backwards slightly as the energy wave passes through [him/her/it]. {caster}
	You step backwards slightly as the energy wave passes through you. {victim}
	There is a sudden ringing in your ears, and then silence - you are deafened! {victim}
	|Y[victim] enters into combat with [caster].|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] begins attacking you!|X {victim}
	|GYou enter into combat with [caster].|X {caster}
	|BThere is a low rumble of thunder as a nebulous cloud begins forming directly overhead.|X {everyone in the room}
	|BThere is a low rumble of thunder as a nebulous cloud begins forming directly overhead.|X {everyone in the room}
	|BThe temperature drops sharply.|X {everyone in the room}
	|BYou summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.|X {caster}
	|B[caster] summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.|X {third parties}
	[victim] is struck by a shard of ice! {third parties}
	You are struck by a shard of ice! {victim}
	[victim] is struck by a shard of ice! {caster}
	|Y[victim] enters into combat with [caster].|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] begins attacking you!|X {victim}
	|GYou enter into combat with [caster].|X {caster}
	[caster] sweeps [his/her/its] arm in a wide arc and the disturbed air catches on fire and blows outwards! {third parties}
	You sweep your arm in a wide arc and the disturbed air catches on fire and blows outwards! {caster}
	The flames spin and arc, burning towards [victim]! {third parties}
	The flames spin and arc, burning towards you! {victim}
	The flames spin and arc, burning towards [victim]! {caster}
	|Y[victim] enters into combat with [caster].|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] begins attacking you!|X {victim}
	|GYou enter into combat with [caster].|X {caster}
	[victim] is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor. {third parties}
	You are thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor. {victim}
	[victim] is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor. {caster}
	|Y[victim] enters into combat with [caster].|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] begins attacking you!|X {victim}
	|GYou enter into combat with [caster].|X {caster}
	[victim] seems to resist your enchantment! {caster}
	You resist [caster]'s enchantment! {victim}
	[victim] seems to resist [caster]'s enchantment! {third parties}
	[caster]'s fingertips brush [victim], causing [him/her/it] to shriek in pain. {third parties}
	[caster]'s fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain. {victim}
	Your fingertips brush [victim], causing [him/her/it] to shriek in pain. {caster}
	[caster]'s [object] brushes [victim], causing [him/her/it] to shriek in pain. {third parties}
	[caster]'s [object] brushes you, causing you to shriek in pain. {victim}
	You brush [victim] with [object], causing [him/her/it] to shriek in pain. {caster}
	A streak of light shooting from [caster]'s [object] turns into a crackling ball of ice, hurtling towards [victim]! {third parties}
	|RA roaring bolt of dark crimson fire shoots from [caster]'s [object] toward [victim].|X {third parties}
	|RA roaring bolt of dark crimson fire shoots from [caster]'s [object] toward you.|X {victim}
	|RA roaring bolt of dark crimson fire shoots from [object] toward [victim].|X {caster}
	|RA roaring bolt of dark crimson fire shoots from [caster]'s hand toward [victim].|X {third parties}
	|RA roaring bolt of dark crimson fire shoots from [caster]'s hand toward you.|X {victim}
	|RA roaring bolt of dark crimson fire shoots from your hand toward [victim].|X {caster}
	|RA crackling bolt of ice shoots from [caster]'s [object] toward [victim].|X {third parties}
	|RA crackling bolt of ice shoots from [caster]'s [object] toward you.|X {victim}
	|RA crackling bolt of ice shoots from [object] toward [victim].|X {caster}
	|RA crackling bolt of ice shoots from [caster]'s hand toward [victim].|X {third parties}
	|RA crackling bolt of ice shoots from [caster]'s hand toward you.|X {victim}
	|RA crackling bolt of ice shoots from your hand toward [victim].|X {caster}
	A streak of light from [caster]'s [object] turns into a small boulder, hurtling toward [victim].|X {third parties}
	A streak of light from [caster]'s [object] turns into a small boulder, hurtling toward you.|X {victim}
	A streak of light from [object] turns into a small boulder, hurtling toward [victim].|X {caster}
	A streak of light from [caster]'s outstretched hand turns into a small boulder, hurtling towards [victim].|X {third parties}
	A streak of light from [caster]'s outstretched hand turns into a small boulder, hurtling towards you.|X {victim}
	A streak of light from your outstretched hand turns into a small boulder, hurtling towards [victim].|X {caster}
	|YA crackling orb of energy shoots from [caster]'s [object] toward [victim].|X {third parties}
	|YA crackling orb of energy shoots from [caster]'s [object] toward you.|X {victim}
	|YA crackling orb of energy shoots from [object] toward [victim].|X {caster}
	|YA crackling orb of energy shoots from [caster]'s fingertips toward [victim].|X {third parties}
	|YA crackling orb of energy shoots from [caster]'s fingertips toward you.|X {victim}
	|YA crackling orb of energy shoots from your fingertips toward [victim].|X {caster}
	|RThe energy pulses and arcs throughout your body!|X {victim}
	|RThe energy pulses and arcs throughout [victim]'s body!|X {third parties}
	|RThe energy pulses and arcs throughout [victim]'s body!|X {caster}
	A thin coat of frost forms around [victim]. {third parties}
	A thin coat of frost forms around you. {victim}
	A thin coat of frost forms around [victim]. {caster}
	|RYour muscles stop responding due to the cold.|X {victim}
	[victim] is outlined by a faint pink glow. {third parties}
	You are outlined by a faint pink glow. {victim}
	[victim] is outlined by a faint pink glow. {caster}
	[victim] staggers suddenly, and is outlined by a faint amber glow. {third parties}
	You stagger suddenly, and your vision turns amber for a moment. {victim}
	[victim] staggers suddenly, and is outlined by a faint amber glow. {caster}
	You stagger suddenly, and your vision turns amber for a moment. {caster}
	|GA cloud of glowing violet fog rises from nowhere and permeates the area.|X {everyone in the room}
	[victim]'s feet rise a few inches above the surface of the water. {third parties}
	[victim]'s feet rise a few inches off the ground. {third parties}
	[form member]'s feet rise off the ground. {third parties}
	[caster]'s feet rise off the ground. {third parties}
	[victim]'s feet rise off the ground. {third parties}
	[victim] is already as enhanced as [his/her/its] body can tolerate. {caster}
	Your body is already as enhanced as it can tolerate. {caster}
	[victim]'s muscles surge with increased strength. {third parties}
	Your muscles surge with increased strength. {caster}
	[victim] is outlined with a sparkling amber glow, briefly. {third parties}
	You are outlined with an sparkling amber glow, briefly. {caster}
	[victim] is outlined with a sickly green glow, briefly. {third parties}
	You are outlined with an sickly green glow, briefly. {caster}
	Your bones ache and your skin shrivels at [caster]'s touch! {victim}
	[victim] seems to age as [caster]'s deadly touch drains life force from [his/her/its] body. {third parties}
	[victim] seems to age as your deadly touch drains life force from [his/her/its] body. {caster}
	Your bones ache and your skin shrivels at the touch of [caster]'s [object]! {victim}
	[victim] seems to age as the touch of [caster]'s [object drains life force from [his/her/its] body. {third parties}
	[victim] seems to age as the touch of [caster]'s [object drains life force from [his/her/its] body. {caster}
	[victim] begins moving much faster, almost seeming to blur before your eyes. {third parties}
	You begin moving much faster, almost seeming to blur. {caster}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then softly fades. {third parties}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades. {victim}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then softly fades. {caster}
	A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades. {caster}
	[victim]'s eyes glow red. {third parties}
	[object] is already invisible. {caster}
	[object seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	[object] fades out of sight. {caster}
	[victim] is already affected by [affect], which is a conflicting spell. {caster}
	[victim] fades out of existence. {third parties}
	A strange mist obscures [victim]'s belongings from view. {third parties}
	A strange mist obscures [victim]'s belongings from view. {caster}
	[victim] fades out of existence. {third parties}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from [caster]'s hand to strike [victim]! {third parties}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from [caster]'s hand to strike you! {victim}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand to strike [victim]! {caster}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from [object] to strike [caster]! {third parties}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from [object] to strike you! {caster}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from [object] to strike [victim]! {third parties}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from [object] to strike you! {victim}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from [object] to strike [victim]! {caster}
	[victim] turns translucent. {third parties}
	[victim] seems to resist your magical plague. {caster}
	You resist the effects of [caster]'s magic! {victim}
	Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on [victim]'s body as you inflict the plague upon [him/her/it]! {caster}
	Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on your body as [caster] inflicts the plague upon you! {victim}
	Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on [victim]'s body as [caster] inflicts the plague upon [him/her/it]! {third parties}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	[object] is already very well poisoned. {caster}
	Your spell fails to corrupt [object]. {caster}
	[object] is infused with poisonous vapors. {everyone in the room}
	The magic that flows through [object] rejects your attempts. {caster}
	[object] is already envenomed. {caster}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	[object] is coated with deadly venom. {everyone in the room}
	You can't poison [object]. {caster}
	A noxious cloud of green gas swirls from [caster]'s fingertips to [victim] for a moment, but nothing else seems to happen. {third parties}
	A noxious cloud of green gas swirls from your fingertips to [victim] for a moment, but nothing else seems to happen. {caster}
	A noxious cloud of green gas swirls from [caster]'s fingertips to you for a moment, but nothing else seems to happen. {victim}
	A noxious cloud of green gas pours from [caster]'s fingertips, swirling about [victim]. {third parties}
	A noxious cloud of green gas pours from your fingertips, swirling about [victim]. {caster}
	A noxious cloud of green gas pours from [caster]'s fingertips, swirling about you. {victim}
	You have been poisoned! {victim}
	A warm, gold aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then softly fades. {third parties}
	A warm, gold aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades. {caster}
	A warm, amber aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then softly fades. {third parties}
	A warm, amber aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades. {caster}
	A reddish mist seems to escape from [object], then dissipates. {caster}
	A reddish mist seems to escape from [object], then dissipates. {caster}
	A reddish mist seems to escape from [object], then dissipates. {caster}
	A reddish mist seems to escape from [object], then dissipates. {caster}
	The curse on [object] is beyond your power to remove. {caster}
	You fail to lift the curse on [object]. {caster}
	You fail to lift the curse on [object]. {caster}
	There doesn't seem to be a curse on [object]. {caster}
	[victim] looks more relaxed as [his/her/its] curse is removed. {third parties}
	[victim] sighs with relief as [his/her/its] excommunication is lifted. {third parties}
	[victim] looks more relaxed. {third parties}
	[victim] looks more relaxed. {third parties}
	[victim] looks more relaxed. {third parties}
	[victim] looks more relaxed. {third parties}
	[victim] looks more relaxed. {third parties}
	[victim] looks more relaxed. {third parties}
	[victim] looks more relaxed. {third parties}
	[victim] looks more relaxed. {third parties}
	[object] that you have equipped glows blue. {caster}
	[object] that [victim] has equipped glows blue. {third parties}
	[object] in your inventory glows blue. {caster}
	[object] in [victim]'s inventory glows blue. {third parties}
	[caster] kneels down and begins to pray silently. {third parties}
	You kneel down and begin to pray quietly. {caster}
	|WAn aura of peace and goodness permeates the area, flooding your soul with joy.|X {everyone in the room}
	[caster] performs an unsightly ritual in front of you. {victim}
	[caster] performs an unsightly ritual in front of [victim]. {third parties}
	You perform an unsightly ritual in front of [victim]. {caster}
	[victim]'s [object] glows with a red-hot aura as its consecration is reversed. {third parties}
	[object] glows with a red-hot aura as its consecration is reversed. {victim}
	[victim]'s [object] glows with a red-hot aura as its consecration is reversed. {caster}
	[victim]'s [object] glows with a red-hot aura as its blessing is reversed. {third parties}
	[object] glows with a red-hot aura as its blessing is reversed. {victim}
	[victim]'s [object] glows with a red-hot aura as its consecration is reversed. {caster}
	[object] shimmers briefly with a corrupting yellow aura. {victim}
	[victim]'s '[object]' shimmers briefly with a corrupting yellow aura. {third parties}
	[victim]'s '[object]' shimmers briefly with a corrupting yellow aura. {caster}
	[object] isn't suitable for weapon consecration. {caster}
	[object] is already consecrated. {caster}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	Your '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {caster}
	[caster]'s '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {third parties}
	The evil that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	Your '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {caster}
	[caster]'s '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {third parties}
	The evil that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	Your '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {caster}
	[caster]'s '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {third parties}
	The evil that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	The evil that saturates [object] is too strong for you to overcome. {caster}
	[caster] kneels down and begins to pray silently. {third parties}
	You kneel down and begin to pray quietly. {caster}
	[object] shimmers briefly with a fortifying aura. {caster}
	[caster] kneels down and begins to pray silently. {third parties}
	You kneel down and begin to pray quietly. {caster}
	Your '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {caster}
	[caster]'s '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {third parties}
	Your '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {caster}
	[caster]'s '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {third parties}
	Your '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {caster}
	[caster]'s '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {third parties}
	Your '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {caster}
	[caster]'s '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {third parties}
	[object] shimmers briefly with a fortifying aura. {caster}
	[object] isn't suitable for food consecration. {caster}
	[object] is already consecrated. {caster}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	Your '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {caster}
	[caster]'s '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {third parties}
	The evil that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	Your '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {caster}
	[caster]'s '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {third parties}
	The evil that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	Your '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {caster}
	[caster]'s '[object]' glows with a white-hot aura as an evil spell is burned from it. {third parties}
	The evil that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	The evil that saturates [object] is too strong for you to overcome. {caster}
	[caster] kneels down and begins to pray silently. {third parties}
	You kneel down and begin to pray quietly. {caster}
	Your '[object]' glows with a sickly greenish light as the poison is burned from it. {caster}
	[caster]'s '[object]' glows with a sickly greenish light as the poison is burned from it. {third parties}
	Your '[object]' glows with a sickly greenish light as the poison is burned from it. {caster}
	[caster]'s '[object]' glows with a sickly greenish light as the poison is burned from it. {third parties}
	[object] shimmers briefly with a fortifying aura. {caster}
	[victim] begins glowing with a bright light! {third parties}
	You begin glowing with a bright light! {caster}
	There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as the air is hardened around [victim]. {third parties}
	|YA sizzling, crackling shroud of prismatic lightning appears around [victim].|X {third parties}
	A swirling rainbow aura silently shimmers into being around [victim]. {third parties}
	A swirling rainbow aura silently shimmers into being around you. {caster}
	There is a faint electrical discharge as [caster]'s form is surrounded by bands of multicolored light. {third parties}
	[caster]'s hand grazes [victim], and there is a pronounced electric blue spark! {third parties}
	[caster]'s hand grazes you, and there is a pronounced electric blue spark! {victim}
	Your hand grazes [victim], and there is a pronounced electric blue spark! {caster}
	|B[victim] glows with a blue aura for a moment.|X {third parties}
	[victim] stirs in [his/her/its] sleep, but does not awaken. {third parties}
	You feel a rush of adrenaline through your body that shakes off any lethargy. {caster}
	[victim] stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes [his/her/its] head, seemingly more alert and aware. {third parties}
	You are suffumigated with a soft blue glow, which quickly fades. You feel very exposed all of a sudden. {caster}
	[victim] is suffumigated with a soft blue glow that quickly fades. {third parties}
	[victim] yawns, but the battle keeps [him/her/it] awake. {caster}
	[victim] is unaffected by your magic. {caster}
	You are unaffected by [caster]'s magic. {victim}
	[victim] yawns and looks lethargic for a moment, but it passes. {third parties}
	[victim] yawns and looks lethargic for a moment, but it passes. {caster}
	[victim] yawns and looks lethargic for a moment, but it passes. {third parties}
	[victim] yawns and looks lethargic for a moment, but it passes. {caster}
	[victim] yawns and looks lethargic for a moment, but it passes. {third parties}
	[victim] yawns and looks lethargic for a moment, but it passes. {caster}
	You feel very sleepy... Zzzzzz... {caster}
	[victim] goes to sleep. {third parties}
	[victim] yawns and looks lethargic for a moment, but it passes. {third parties}
	[victim] yawns and looks lethargic for a moment, but it passes. {caster}
	[victim] yawns and looks lethargic for a moment, but it passes. {third parties}
	[victim] yawns and looks lethargic for a moment, but it passes. {caster}
	You feel very sleepy... Zzzzzz... {caster}
	[victim] goes to sleep. {third parties}
	There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as [victim]'s skin hardens. {third parties}
	There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as your skin hardens. {caster}
	|R[victim] disappears suddenly.|X {third parties}
	|R[victim] arrives suddenly.|X {third parties}
	|R[caster] has summoned you!|X {victim}
	A bluish glow permeates from [caster]'s body for a moment, then fades. {third parties}
	You transform back into your original form. {caster}
	[victim] looks more like [him/her/it]self again. {third parties}
	You transform back into your original form. {caster}
	[victim] looks more like [him/her/it]self again. {third parties}
	You transform back into your original form. {caster}
	[victim] looks more like [him/her/it]self again. {third parties}
	You transform back into your original form. {caster}
	[victim] looks more like [him/her/it]self again. {third parties}
	Your magic twists time and space to pop you out of existence with an ear-splitting BANG! {caster}
	|R[victim] vanishes with an ear-splitting BANG!|X {third parties}
	|R[victim] appears with an ear-splitting BANG, mounted on [mount].|X {third parties}
	|R[victim] appears with an ear-splitting BANG!|X {third parties}
	|MThe fabric of space and time bends, and then twists, slightly around you.|X {caster}
	|MThe fabric of space and time bends, and then twists, slightly around [caster].|X {third parties}
	|R[victim] vanishes with an ear-splitting BANG!|X {third parties}
	You transform back into your original form. {caster}
	[victim] looks more like [him/her/it]self again. {third parties}
	You transform back into your original form. {caster}
	[victim] looks more like [him/her/it]self again. {third parties}
	You transform back into your original form. {caster}
	[victim] looks more like [him/her/it]self again. {third parties}
	You transform back into your original form. {caster}
	[victim] looks more like [him/her/it]self again. {third parties}
	|R[victim] appears with an ear-splitting BANG, mounted on [mount].|X {third parties}
	|R[victim] appears with an ear-splitting BANG!|X {third parties}
	You transform back into your original form. {caster}
	[victim] looks more like [him/her/it]self again. {third parties}
	You transform back into your original form. {caster}
	[victim] looks more like [him/her/it]self again. {third parties}
	You transform back into your original form. {caster}
	[victim] looks more like [him/her/it]self again. {third parties}
	You transform back into your original form. {caster}
	[victim] looks more like [him/her/it]self again. {third parties}
	|R[victim] vanishes with an ear-splitting BANG!|X {third parties}
	|R[victim] appears with an ear-splitting BANG, mounted on [mount].|X {third parties}
	|R[victim] appears with an ear-splitting BANG!|X {third parties}
	Your magic twists time and space to momentarily pop you out of the plane with an ear-splitting BANG! {caster}
	You feel as though your legs have turned to water! You stagger, barely able to walk. {victim}
	[victim] shudders, staggers, and almost falls. {third parties}
	[victim] shudders, staggers, and almost falls. {caster}
	You shudder, stagger, and almost fall. {caster}
	You feel strangely lethargic as an alien substance courses through your veins. {victim}
	[victim] staggers and steps back, seemingly winded. {third parties}
	[victim] staggers and steps back, seemingly winded. {caster}
	A faint amber energy cloud forms around you, then fades. {victim}
	A faint amber energy cloud forms around [victim], then fades. {third parties}
	A faint amber energy cloud forms around [victim], then fades. {caster}
	|R[victim] disappears with a brilliant flash of light.|X {third parties}
	[victim] appears in the room, mounted on [mount]. {third parties}
	[victim] appears in the room. {third parties}
	[caster]'s [object] issues forth a stream of corrosive acid at [victim]. {third parties}
	[object] issues forth a stream of corrosive acid at [victim]. {caster}
	[caster]'s [object] issues forth a stream of corrosive acid at you. {victim}
	[caster] spits acid at [victim]. {third parties}
	[caster] spits a stream of corrosive acid at you. {victim}
	You spit acid at [victim]. {caster}
	|RA cone of fire issues from [caster]'s [object].|X {third parties}
	|RA cone of fire issues from [object].|X {caster}
	|R[caster] breathes forth a cone of fire.|X {third parties}
	|RYou breathe forth a cone of fire.|X {caster}
	[caster]'s [object] issues forth a freezing cone of frost! {third parties}
	[caster]'s [object] issues forth a freezing cone of frost over you! {victim}
	[object] issues forth a freezing cone of frost. {caster}
	[caster] breathes out a freezing cone of frost! {third parties}
	[caster] breathes a freezing cone of frost over you! {victim}
	You breathe out a cone of frost. {caster}
	[caster]'s [object] issues forth a cloud of poisonous gas! {third parties}
	[object] issues forth a cloud of poisonous gas. {caster}
	[caster] breathes out a cloud of poisonous gas! {third parties}
	You breathe out a cloud of poisonous gas. {caster}
	[caster]'s [object] issues forth a bolt of lightning at [victim]. {third parties}
	[caster]'s [object] issues forth a bolt of lightning at you! {victim}
	[object] issues forth a bolt of lightning at [victim]. {caster}
	[caster] breathes a bolt of lightning at [victim]. {third parties}
	[caster] breathes a bolt of lightning at you! {victim}
	You breathe a bolt of lightning at [victim]. {caster}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from [object] held by [caster] towards [victim]! {third parties}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from [object] held by [caster] towards you! {victim}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from [object] towards [victim]! {caster}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from [caster]'s hand towards [victim]! {third parties}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from [caster]'s hand towards you! {victim}
	A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand towards [victim]! {caster}
	|YThe lightning arcs from [last victim] to [next victim]!|X {third parties}
	|YThe lightning arcs from you to [next victim]!|X {caster}
	|YThe lightning arcs from [last victim] to you!|X {victim}
	|BThere is a crackling sound as ice shards arc from [object] held by [caster] to strike [victim]!|X {third parties}
	|BThere is a crackling sound as ice shards arc from [object] held by [caster] hand to strike you!|X {victim}
	|BThere is a crackling sound as ice shards arc from [object] to strike [victim]!|X {caster}
	|BThere is a crackling sound ice shards arc from [caster]'s hand to strike [victim]!|X {third parties}
	|BThere is a crackling sound ice shards arc from [caster]'s hand to strike you!|X {victim}
	|BThere is a crackling sound ice shards arc from your hand to strike [victim]!|X {caster}
	The ice whips from [last victim] to [next victim]! {third parties}
	The ice whips from you to [next victim]! {caster}
	The ice whips from [last victim] to you! {victim}
	A streak of light shooting from [caster]'s [object] turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards [victim]! {third parties}
	A streak of light shooting from [caster]'s [object] turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards you! {victim}
	A streak of light shooting from your [object] turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards [victim]! {caster}
	A streak of light shooting from [caster]'s fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards [victim]! {third parties}
	A streak of light shooting from [caster]'s fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards you! {victim}
	A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards [victim]! {caster}
	|RThe fireball's path arcs from [last victim] to [next victim!|X {third parties}
	|RThe fireball's path arcs from you to [next victim]!|X {caster}
	|RThe fireball's path arcs from [last victim] to you!|X {victim}
	[object] is already invisible. {caster}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	[object] fades out of sight. {caster}
	[victim] dissolves before your eyes. {third parties}
	[victim] chokes as [his/her/its] lungs adjust to underwater breathing. {third parties}
	[victim]'s hands seem to shimmer for a moment. {third parties}
	Your hands seem to shimmer for a moment. They feel different. {caster}
	[victim] is struck by an energy bolt of the darkest red, and collapses to the ground. {third parties}
	You are struck by an energy bolt of the darkest red, and collapse to the ground. {victim}
	[victim] is struck by an energy bolt of the darkest red, and collapses to the ground. {caster}
	[victim] is struck by an energy bolt of the darkest red, but it seems to have no effect. {third parties}
	You are struck by an energy bolt of the darkest red, but it seems to have no effect. {victim}
	[victim] is struck by an energy bolt of the darkest red, but it seems to have no effect. {caster}
	[caster]'s dark power stops your heartbeat for the space of seven seconds! {victim}
	[caster]'s dark power stops [victim]'s heartbeat for the space of seven seconds! {third parties}
	Your dark power stops [victim]'s heartbeat for the space of seven seconds! {caster}
	[caster]'s dark power stops your heartbeat for the space of seven seconds! {victim}
	[caster]'s dark power stops [victim]'s heartbeat for the space of seven seconds! {third parties}
	Your dark power stops [victim]'s heartbeat for the space of seven seconds! {caster}
	[victim] seems to resist your enchantment! {caster}
	You resist [caster]'s enchantment! {victim}
	[victim] seems to resist [caster]'s enchantment! {third parties}
	A shock runs through your body, as you feel your life force slipping away! {victim}
	[victim] turns white and shudders momentarily. {third parties}
	[victim] turns white and shudders momentarily. {caster}
	|YA cloud of utter darkness explodes from nowhere, filling the area.|X {everyone in the room}
	|DA sudden gust of wind from the hovering storm disperses the darkness before it can collect.|X {everyone in the room}
	|DThe gale-force winds whipping through the area keep the darkness from collecting.|X {everyone in the room}
	|DThe darkness swirls into a tight funnel, and is sucked into '[object]' [victim] is wearing!|X {third parties}
	|DThe darkness swirls into a tight funnel, and is sucked into '[object]' [victim] is wearing!|X {caster}
	|DThe darkness swirls into a tight funnel, and is sucked into '[object]' you are wearing!|X {victim}
	|YEverything goes dark!|X {everyone in the room}
	|MA stinking cloud of poisonous, greenish vapors billows into the area.|X {everyone in the room}
	|MA noxious cloud of greenish vapors billows into the area.|X {everyone in the room}
	|YA pungent cloud of searing yellow droplets billows into the area.|X {everyone in the room}
	|MA faint magenta mist hisses throughout the area.|X {everyone in the room}
	|DA creeping sense of impending horror begins invading your sense of security.|X {everyone in the room}
	You concentrate... feel your way about the area, anchoring yourself... {caster}
	\n\r|Y ......
******))))) BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!! (((((******
......|X\n\r {everyone in the room} |WA dazzling wall of flames shoots out from your fingertips, completely encircling the area! {caster} |WA dazzling wall of flames shoots out from [caster]'s fingertips, completely encircling the area! {third parties}
	|yA squirming pool of mud seeps out of the ground, wriggling with an almost sentient anticipation.|X {caster}
	|yA squirming pool of mud seeps out of the ground, wriggling with an almost sentient anticipation.|X {third parties}
	You concentrate... feel your way about the area, anchoring yourself... {caster}
	There is a low rumbling sound from deep beneath the ground's surface. {everyone in the room}
	The ground cracks, releasing sharp, thorny brambles that encircle the area. {everyone in the room}
	You concentrate... feel your way about the area, anchoring yourself... {caster}
	\n\r|Y ......
******))))) BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!! (((((******
......|X\n\r {everyone in the room} |WA dazzling shield of energy erupts and grows in size, surrounding the area.|X {everyone in the room}
	|MA scarcely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy radiates from [object] in concentric circles, permeating the area.|X {caster}
	|MA scarcely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy radiates from [caster]'s [object] in concentric circles, permeating the area.|X {third parties}
	|MA scarcely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy radiates from you in concentric circles, permeating the area.|X {caster}
	|MA scarcely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy radiates from [caster] in concentric circles, permeating the area.|X {third parties}
	|MA faint haze of sparkling anti-[school] energy radiates from [object] in concentric circles, permeating the area.|X {caster}
	|MA faint haze of sparkling anti-[school] energy radiates from [caster]'s [object] in concentric circles, permeating the area.|X {third parties}
	|MA faint haze of sparkling anti-[school] energy radiates from you in concentric circles, permeating the area.|X {caster}
	|MA faint haze of sparkling anti-[school] energy radiates from [caster] in concentric circles, permeating the area.|X {third parties}
	Flames explode around your body, yet you feel no heat or pain. {caster}
	Flames explode around [victim]'s body, but [he/she/it] appears to be unscathed. {third parties}
	[victim] resists your cloying magic! {caster}
	[victim] resists the effects of [caster]'s magic! {third parties}
	You resist the effects of [caster]'s magic! {victim}
	You suddenly feel as if your mouth has been stuffed with cotton! {victim}
	[victim] is now silenced! {third parties}
	[victim] is now silenced! {caster}
	Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over [victim]! {third parties}
	Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you! {victim}
	Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over [victim]! {caster}
	[victim] manages to brush the spiders off [him/her/it] just in time! {third parties}
	Arms flailing frantically, you manage to brush the spiders off of you before they can spin their webs. {victim}
	[victim] manages to brush the spiders off [him/her/it] just in time! {caster}
	You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders! {victim}
	[victim] is enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders! {third parties}
	[victim] is enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders! {caster}
	[victim] is already webbed! {caster}
	Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over [victim]! {third parties}
	Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you! {victim}
	Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over [victim]! {caster}
	[victim] manages to brush the spiders off [him/her/it] just in time! {third parties}
	Arms flailing frantically, you manage to brush the spiders off of you before they can spin their webs. {victim}
	[victim] manages to brush the spiders off [him/her/it] just in time! {caster}
	You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders! {victim}
	[victim] is enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders! {third parties}
	[victim] is enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders! {caster}
	[victim] is already webbed! {caster}
	Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over [victim]! {third parties}
	Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you! {victim}
	Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over [victim]! {caster}
	[victim] manages to brush the spiders off [him/her/it] just in time! {third parties}
	Arms flailing frantically, you manage to brush the spiders off of you before they can spin their webs. {victim}
	[victim] manages to brush the spiders off [him/her/it] just in time! {caster}
	You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders! {victim}
	[victim] is enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders! {third parties}
	[victim] is enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders! {caster}
	[victim] seems to resist your enchantment! {caster}
	You resist [caster]'s enchantment! {victim}
	[victim] seems to resist [caster]'s enchantment! {third parties}
	You feel sluggish. {victim}
	[victim] is moving in slow motion. {third parties}
	[victim] seems to resist your enchantment! {caster}
	You resist [caster]'s enchantment! {victim}
	[victim] seems to resist [caster]'s enchantment! {third parties}
	[victim] is moving in slow motion. {third parties}
	[victim] is moving more lethargically. {third parties}
	[object] glows a brilliant aquamarine, then fades. {everyone in the room}
	Goosebumps wash over you as the world starts to look a little bit more real. {caster}
	[victim] shivers as a wave of goosebumps washes up [his/her/its] spine. {third parties}
	The finage saps your energies and prevents you from appearing glamourous. {caster}
	[victim] suddenly appears more glamorous. {third parties}
	You feel glamorous. {caster}
	[object] glows a brilliant aquamarine, then fades. {everyone in the room}
	|GFFFFTTTT! A rift opens above your head and something flies through it.|X {everyone in the room}
	|GThe rift dwindles to a pinpoint and then disappears.|X {everyone in the room}
	[object]: you can't carry that much weight. {caster}
	[object] disappears with a small flash of light. {everyone in the room}
	[object] falls to the ground. {everyone in the room}
	[object]: you can't carry that many items. {caster}
	[object] disappears with a small flash of light. {everyone in the room}
	[object] falls to the ground. {everyone in the room}
	|WA glowing plane of light appears briefly before [caster]!|X {third parties}
	[victim]'s feet begin to glow with a soft golden light. {third parties}
	|Y[caster] makes a curious gesture with [his/her/its] hand, and a strong wind blasts from nowhere!|X {third parties}
	[victim] gains strength from the surrounding area and remains steadfast. {third parties}
	[victim] resists the wind and remains standing! {third parties}
	[victim] gains strength from [his/her/its] [object] and remains steadfast. {third parties}
	Your [object] helps you resist the winds. {caster}
	A cloud of dust envelops [victim]'s head, but dissipates immediately. {third parties}
	A cloud of dust envelops [victim]'s head, but dissipates immediately. {caster}
	A cloud of dust envelops your head, but dissipates immediately. {victim}
	A cloud of dust envelops [victim]'s head, causing [him/her/it] to let out a mighty sneeze! {third parties}
	A cloud of dust envelops [victim]'s head, causing [him/her/it] to let out a mighty sneeze! {caster}
	A cloud of dust envelops your head, causing you to let out a mighty sneeze! {victim}
	A cloud of dust envelops [victim]'s head, but dissipates immediately. {third parties}
	A cloud of dust envelops [victim]'s head, but dissipates immediately. {caster}
	A cloud of dust envelops your head, but dissipates immediately. {victim}
	[caster] turns [victim]'s magic against [him/her/it]! {third parties}
	[caster] turns your magic against you! {victim}
	You turn [victim]'s magic against [him/her/it]! {caster}
	|YA magical rent opens in the air above [victim] as energies surge!|X\n\r {caster}
	|YA magical rent opens in the air above [victim] as energies surge!|X\n\r {third parties}
	|YA magical rent opens in the air above you as energies surge!|X\n\r {victim}
	[object] glows brightly as lines of light burn knowledge of the '[spell]' spell into it. {caster}
	[object] [caster] is carrying wavers and survives! {third parties}
	[object] wavers and holds its form, surviving due to your skillfulness. {caster}
	[object] [caster] is carrying flares brightly and vanishes! {third parties}
	[object] flares brightly and vanishes! {caster}
	[object] glows a brilliant aquamarine, then fades. {everyone in the room}
	[victim] doesn't appear to be wielding any weapons. {caster}
	You attempt to use your powers to knock [object] from [victim]'s grasp, but nothing happens. {caster}
	[caster] stares fixedly at [victim]'s [object], but nothing seems to happen. {third parties}
	[caster] stares fixedly at [object], but nothing seems to happen. {victim}
	|Y[caster]'s powers deftly knock [object] from your grasp.|X {victim}
	|YYour powers deftly knock [object] from [victim]'s grasp.|X {caster}
	|Y[caster]'s powers deftly knock [object] from [victim]'s grasp.|X {third parties}
	You attempt to use your powers to knock [object] from [victim]'s grasp, but nothing happens. {caster}
	[caster] stares fixedly at [victim]'s [object], but nothing seems to happen. {third parties}
	[caster] stares fixedly at [object], but nothing seems to happen. {victim}
	You extend your senses into the astral plane, working on [victim]'s memories... {caster}
	[caster] stares fixedly at [victim]. {third parties}
	[caster] stares fixedly at you. {victim}
	[victim] staggers and steps back a foot. {caster}
	[victim] staggers and steps back a foot. {third parties}
	You stagger and step back a foot as you sense a foreign presence attempting to enter your mind. {victim}
	[victim] totters suddenly. {third parties}
	[victim] totters suddenly. {caster}
	You get tunnel vision momentarily, but regain your composure. {victim}
	[victim] staggers suddenly, struck blind by [caster]'s mind control. {third parties}
	[victim] staggers suddenly as [his/her/its] vision is clouded by your mind control. {caster}
	You stagger suddenly, struck blind by [caster]'s mind control. {victim}
	[victim] staggers suddenly. {third parties}
	[victim] staggers suddenly. {caster}
	You stagger suddenly, but you aren't quite sure why. {victim}
	[victim] staggers suddenly as [his/her/its] mind is disrupted by your mental power. {caster}
	[victim] staggers suddenly as a confused look crosses [his/her/its] face. {third parties}
	You stagger as a strange presence seems to press heavily upon your mind. {victim}
	[victim] looks at you with adoring eyes. {caster}
	[victim] looks at [caster] with adoring eyes. {third parties}
	[caster] closes [his/her/its] eyes and concentrates... {third parties}
	There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as the air becomes more dense around [victim]. {third parties}
	You extend your senses into the astral plane, working on others' memories directly... {caster}
	|G[victim] stops and looks befuddled.|X {third parties}
	You sense [victim]'s memory of you, and erase it from [his/her/its] mind. {caster}
	You sense [victim]'s memory of you, and erase it from [his/her/its] mind. {caster}
	[victim] seems to resist your mental irritation. {caster}
	You are unaffected by [caster]'s magic. {victim}
	More sores start cropping up on your body as [caster] empowers the plague upon you! {victim}
	More sores start cropping up on [victim]'s body as [caster] empowers the plague upon [him/her/it]! {third parties}
	More sores start cropping up on [victim]'s body as you empower the plague upon [him/her/it]! {caster}
	You have increased the duration of the spell '[spell]' on [victim]. {caster}
	[caster] has increased the length of time you will be affected by '[spell]'. {victim}
	Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on [victim]'s body as you inflict irritation upon [him/her/it]! {caster}
	Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on your body as [caster] inflicts irritation upon you! {victim}
	Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on [victim]'s body as [caster] inflicts irritation upon [him/her/it]! {third parties}
	[victim] seems to resist your mental irritation. {caster}
	You are unaffected by [caster]'s magic. {victim}
	Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on [victim]'s body as you inflict irritation upon [him/her/it]! {caster}
	Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on your body as [caster] inflicts irritation upon you! {victim}
	Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on [victim]'s body as [caster] inflicts irritation upon [him/her/it]! {third parties}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	[object] glows a brilliant aquamarine, then fades. {everyone in the room}
	[victim]'s eyes are not open, so you cannot make eye contact. {caster}
	[victim] can't see you, so you cannot make eye contact. {caster}
	[caster] tries to make eye contact with you, but you look away just in time. {victim}
	[caster] tries to make eye contact with [victim], but [victim] avoids [caster]'s stare. {third parties}
	You try to make eye contact with [victim], but [victim] avoids your stare. {caster}
	[caster] stops moving and looks befuddled. {third parties}
	[victim] stares deeply into [caster]'s eyes, seemingly unable to move. {third parties}
	You are entranced by [caster]'s eyes... You feel as if your entire body is entangled by sticky webs. {victim}
	[victim] stares deeply into your eyes, seemingly unable to move. {caster}
	|Y[caster]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYour form shifts and wavers.|X {caster}
	|YYou feel normal again.|X {caster}
	|Y[caster] looks normal again.|X {third parties}
	|Y[caster]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYour form shifts and wavers.|X {caster}
	|YYou feel normal again.|X {caster}
	|Y[caster] looks normal again.|X {third parties}
	|Y[caster]'s form seems to undulate before your eyes...|X {third parties}
	|YYour form begins to undulate and waver...|X {caster}
	|Y[caster] suddenly looks a lot like [object]!|X {third parties}
	|YYou suddenly look a lot like [object]!|X {caster}
	|Y[victim]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYour form shifts and wavers.|X {victim}
	|Y[victim]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYou feel normal again.|X {victim}
	|Y[victim] looks normal again.|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] looks normal again.|X {caster}
	|Y[victim]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYour form shifts and wavers.|X {victim}
	|Y[victim]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYou feel normal again.|X {victim}
	|Y[victim] looks normal again.|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] looks normal again.|X {caster}
	|Y[victim]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYour form shifts and wavers.|X {victim}
	|Y[victim]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYou feel normal again.|X {victim}
	|Y[victim] looks normal again.|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] looks normal again.|X {caster}
	|Y[victim]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYour form shifts and wavers.|X {victim}
	|Y[victim]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYou feel normal again.|X {victim}
	|Y[victim] looks normal again.|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] looks normal again.|X {caster}
	|Y[victim]'s form seems to undulate before your eyes...|X {third parties}
	|YYour form begins to undulate and waver...|X {victim}
	|Y[victim]'s form seems to undulate before your eyes...|X {caster}
	|YWith a sound of crunching bones and snapping tendons, [victim] transforms into [new form]!|X {caster}
	|YWith a sound of crunching bones and snapping tendons, [victim] transforms into [new form]!|X {third parties}
	|YWith the incredibly painful feeling of your bones breaking and tendons snapping, you eventually transform into [new form]!|X {victim}
	You feel a prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened. {caster}
	[victim] stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes [his/her/its] head. {third parties}
	[victim] is already positively humming with magical energy. {caster}
	A crackling bluish spark arcs from you to [victim]. {caster}
	A crackling bluish spark arcs from [caster] to [victim]. {third parties}
	A crackling bluish spark arcs from [caster] to you. {victim}
	[caster] twiddles [his/her/its] thumbs and [object] appears. {third parties}
	You twiddle your thumbs and [object] appears. {caster}
	[object]: you can't carry that much weight. {caster}
	[object] disappears with a small flash of light. {everyone in the room}
	[object]: you can't carry that many items. {caster}
	[object] disappears with a small flash of light. {everyone in the room}
	[victim] is already affected by 'induce aggression'. {caster}
	[victim] seems to resist your attempt to alter [his/her/its] aura field. {caster}
	You are unaffected by [caster]'s magic. {victim}
	[victim] changes his stance and suddenly seems quite a bit more aggressive. {caster}
	Your field of vision changes slightly; it's as if you are seeing everything through a red-tinted haze. {caster}
	[victim] changes his stance and suddenly seems quite a bit more aggressive. {third parties}
	Your field of vision changes slightly; it's as if you are seeing everything through a red-tinted haze. {victim}
	The heavy weight pressing down on your mind seems to be suddenly released. {caster}
	You erect a mental image of a brick wall in your mind, so as to stave off unwanted intrusions. {caster}
	[victim] stiffens for a moment, and [his/her/its] eyes lose focus. {third parties}
	|G[victim] stares in [caster]'s direction until [he/she/it] shies away.|X {third parties}
	|GYou stare in [caster]'s direction until [he/she/it] shies away.|X {victim}
	|G[victim] stares in your direction until the pressure is too much to bear.|X {caster}
	|G[victim] flinches momentarily.|X {third parties}
	|GYou flinch momentarily, but you're not sure why.|X {victim}
	|G[victim] flinches momentarily.|X {caster}
	|G[victim] flinches momentarily but stands [his/her/its] ground.|X {third parties}
	|G[victim] flinches momentarily but stands [his/her/its] ground.|X {caster}
	|Y[victim] turns white with fear at the thought of [caster]!|X {third parties}
	|YYou turn white with fear at the thought of [caster]!|X {victim}
	|Y[victim] turns white with fear at the thought of you!|X {caster}
	[caster] lashes out at [victim] with [his/her/its] mind, delivering a mental punch. {third parties}
	[caster] mentally lashes out at you, causing you to reel from a physical punch. {victim}
	You lash out at [victim] with your mind, delivering a mental punch. {caster}
	You lash out with your mind, but the mental punch rebounds upon you! {caster}
	[caster] lashes out at [victim] with [his/her/its] mind, delivering [#] mental punches. {third parties}
	[caster] mentally lashes out at you, causing you to reel from [#] physical punches. {victim}
	You lash out at [victim] with your mind, delivering [#] mental punches. {caster}
	You lash out with your mind, but the [#] mental punches rebound upon you! {caster}
	[caster] lashes out at [victim] with [his/her/its] mind. {third parties}
	You lash out at [victim] with your mind. {caster}
	You feel a numbing shock as [caster] lashes out at you with [his/her/its] mind. {victim}
	[caster] lashes out at [victim] with [his/her/its] mind, physically piercing [his/her/its] form. {third parties}
	[caster] mentally lashes out at you, causing you to reel from a sharp piercing sensation. {victim}
	You lash out at [victim] with your mind, physically piercing [his/her/its] form. {caster}
	You lash out with your mind, but the sharp piercing sensation rebounds upon you! {caster}
	[caster] lashes out at [victim] with [his/her/its] mind, physically piercing [him/her/it] [#] across [his/her/its] form. {third parties}
	[caster] mentally lashes out at you, causing you to reel from [#] sharp piercing sensations. {victim}
	You lash out at [victim] with your mind, physically piercing [him/her/it] [#] across [his/her/its] form. {caster}
	You lash out with your mind, but the [#] sharp piercing sensations rebound upon you! {caster}
	[caster] lashes out at [victim] with [his/her/its] mind, slashing across [his/her/its] form. {third parties}
	[caster] mentally lashes out at you, causing a stinging slash across your body. {victim}
	You lash out at [victim] with your mind, slashing across [his/her/its] form. {caster}
	You lash out with your mind, but the stinging slash rebounds upon you! {caster}
	[caster] lashes out at [victim] with [his/her/its] mind, slashing [#] across [his/her/its] form. {third parties}
	[caster] mentally lashes out at you, causing [#] stinging slashes across your body. {victim}
	You lash out at [victim] with your mind, slashing [#] across [his/her/its] form. {caster}
	You lash out with your mind, but the [#] stinging slashes rebound upon you! {caster}
	[caster]'s mind power lashes out in a circle from [him/her/it] taking the form of blue lightning! {third parties}
	Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning! {caster}
	The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into [victim]! {third parties}
	The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you! {victim}
	The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into [victim]! {caster}
	|Y[victim] enters into combat with [caster].|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] begins attacking you!|X {victim}
	|GYou enter into combat with [caster].|X {caster}
	The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into [victim]! {third parties}
	The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you! {victim}
	The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into [victim]! {caster}
	|Y[next victim] enters into combat with [caster].|X {third parties}
	|Y[next victim] begins attacking you!|X {victim}
	|GYou enter into combat with [caster].|X {caster}
	There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from [caster]'s mind. {third parties}
	There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from your mind. {caster}
	[victim] gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	You gasp in pain as the wave of force passes through you. {victim}
	[victim] gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through [him/her/it]. {caster}
	[victim] gains strength from the surrounding area and remains steadfast. {third parties}
	[victim] gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	You gasp in pain as the wave of force passes through you. {victim}
	[victim] gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through [him/her/it]. {caster}
	[victim] gains strength from the surrounding area and remains steadfast. {third parties}
	|YZOT! You are struck by a fiery bolt of lightning!|X {caster}
	|YZOT! [caster] is struck by a fiery bolt of lightning!|X {third parties}
	Your throat closes and your heart stops; you are dead. {caster}
	[victim] clutches at [his/her/its] throat in agony, then slowly crumples to the ground. {third parties}
	Your throat closes and your heart stops; you are dead. {caster}
	[victim] clutches at [his/her/its] throat in agony, then slowly crumples to the ground. {third parties}
	[caster] calls upon the Powers for an intervention. {third parties}
	|W[caster] has called upon the Powers to intervene with your death.|X {victim}
	|R[caster] doubles over in pain, screaming from the extraction of life force from [his/her/its] body.|X {third parties}
	|RYou double over in pain, screaming from the extraction of life force from your body.|X {caster}
	[caster] whistles loudly for the winds to change, and the element responds. {third parties}
	You whistle loudly for the winds to change, and the element responds. {caster}
	[caster] whistles loudly for the winds to change, and the element responds. {third parties}
	You whistle loudly for the winds to change, and the element responds. {caster}
	[caster] thrusts [his/her/its] hands into the air, altering your weather. {third parties}
	You thrust your hands into the air, altering the weather. {caster}
	[caster] whistles loudly for the winds to change, and the element responds. {third parties}
	You whistle loudly for the winds to change, and the element responds. {caster}
	[object] practically glows with evil, it's not going to get much worse. {caster}
	[object] has already been cursed. {caster}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	[object] glows with a dark crimson aura as the aura of goodness is burned from it. {everyone in the room}
	The powerful holiness that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	[object] glows with a dark crimson aura as the aura of goodness is burned from it. {everyone in the room}
	The powerful holiness that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	[object] glows with a dark crimson aura. {everyone in the room}
	[victim] glows with a dark crimson aura that swiftly vanishes. {caster}
	[victim] glows with a dark crimson aura that swiftly vanishes. {third parties}
	[victim] glows briefly with a dark crimson aura. {caster}
	[victim] glows briefly with a dark crimson aura. {third parties}
	You partake in the convocation that [caster] has called, causing a nameless shadow to assist [him/her/it]! {victim}
	[victim] partakes in the convocation, increasing [caster]'s standing in [his/her/its] unnamed shadow's visual apertures. {third parties}
	[victim] partakes in your convocation, resulting in a powerful carbon aura temporarily encasing you. {caster}
	[caster] bows [his/her/its] head and mutters corrupt words to pull in the shadow energy of [his/her/its] convocation. {third parties}
	You mutter distasteful words to pull in the shadow energy of your convocation. {caster}
	The forces that had been building for your convocation disperse due to lack of participants. {caster}
	A reddish field of energy crackles around [caster] and quickly fades. {third parties}
	A reddish field of energy crackles around you and quickly fades. {victim}
	A reddish field of energy crackles around [caster] and quickly fades. {caster}
	|R[victim] disappears suddenly.|X {third parties}
	|R[victim] arrives suddenly, in a flash of ethereal light.|X {third parties}
	|R[caster] has summoned your shade!|X {victim}
	A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from [caster]'s hand toward [victim]! {third parties}
	A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from [caster]'s hand toward you! {victim}
	A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from your hand toward [victim]! {caster}
	A dark, shadowy mist seems to gather itself around [victim]'s form. {third parties}
	A dark, shadowy mist gathers itself around your form. {caster}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	|D[victim] dissolves into shadow motes, then disappears.|X {third parties}
	Shadows collect and combine, coalescing into [victim]. {third parties}
	Shadows collect and combine, coalescing into [victim]. {caster}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	|R[victim] seems to struggle against something, then looks resigned as [he/she/it] disappears with a loud POP.|X {third parties}
	|R[victim] appears with a loud POP, a resigned expression on [his/her/its] face.|X {third parties}
	|R[victim] appears with a loud POP, a resigned expression on [his/her/its] face.|X {caster}
	Shadows collect and form, coalescing into [victim]. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	|D[victim] dissolves into shadow motes, then disappears.|X {third parties}
	Shadows collect and combine, coalescing into [victim]. {third parties}
	Shadows collect and combine, coalescing into [victim]. {caster}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	|D[victim] dissolves into shadow motes, then disappears.|X {third parties}
	Shadows collect and form, coalescing into [victim]. {caster}
	Shadows collect and form, coalescing into [victim]. {third parties}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows and blood collect and combine, coalescing into [victim]. {third parties}
	Shadows and blood collect and combine, coalescing into [victim]. {caster}
	A strange force resists your magic. {caster}
	A strange force resists your magic. {caster}
	A strange force resists your magic. {caster}
	A strange force resists your magic. {caster}
	|MA wavering, shadowy door appears in the [direction] wall.|X {everyone in the room}
	You are pulled through the shadow door.\n\rA cold sensation, as if you had fallen in an icy river, passes through you. {caster}
	[caster] is pulled through the shadow door and disappears. {third parties}
	|MA wavering, shadowy door appears in the [direction] wall.|X {third parties}
	[caster] is pulled through the shadow door, shivering slightly, mounted on [victim]. {third parties}
	[caster] is pulled through the shadow door, shivering slightly. {third parties}
	[victim] disappears through the shadow door. {third parties}
	You are pulled through the shadow door.\n\rA cold sensation, as if you had fallen in an icy river, passes through you. {caster}
	[victim] is pulled through the shadow door, shivering slightly, mounted on [mount]. {third parties}
	[victim] is pulled through the shadow door, shivering slightly. {third parties}
	|MThe door silently flickers and fades into nothingness.|X {everyone in the room}
	A strange force resists your magic. {caster}
	A strange force resists your magic. {caster}
	A strange force resists your magic. {caster}
	A strange force resists your magic. {caster}
	|MA wavering, shadowy tunnel, the end of which is lost in darkness, appears in the [direction].|X {everyone in the room}
	You are pulled through the shadow tunnel.\n\rA cold sensation, as if you had fallen in an icy river, passes through you. {caster}
	[caster] is pulled through the shadow tunnel and disappears. {third parties}
	|MA wavering, shadowy tunnel, the end of which is lost in darkness, appears in the [direction].|X {third parties}
	[caster], mounted on [victim], is expelled, shivering, from the shadow tunnel. {third parties}
	[caster] is expelled, shivering, from the shadow tunnel. {third parties}
	[victim] disappears through the shadow tunnel. {third parties}
	You are pulled through the shadow tunnel.\n\rA cold sensation, as if you had fallen in an icy river, passes through you. {caster}
	[victim], mounted on [mount], is expelled, shivering, from the shadow tunnel. {third parties}
	[victim] is expelled, shivering, from the shadow tunnel. {third parties}
	|MThe tunnel silently flickers and fades into nothingness.|X {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form, coalescing into [victim]. {everyone in the room}
	[victim] is briefly outlined with a dim violet glow. {third parties}
	You are briefly outlined with a dim violet glow. {caster}
	[victim] staggers and steps back a foot. {third parties}
	[victim] staggers and steps back a foot. {caster}
	[caster] shrieks in pain. {third parties}
	You shriek in pain. {caster}
	[caster]'s fingertips brush [victim], causing [him/her/it] to shriek in pain. {third parties}
	[caster]'s fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain. {victim}
	Your fingertips brush [victim], causing [him/her/it] to shriek in pain. {caster}
	[caster] shrieks in pain. {third parties}
	You shriek in pain. {caster}
	[caster]'s [object] brushes [victim], causing [him/her/it] to shriek in pain. {third parties}
	[caster]'s [object] brushes you, causing you to shriek in pain. {victim}
	You brush [victim] with [object], causing [him/her/it] to shriek in pain. {caster}
	You feel better! {caster}
	[victim] is temporarily shrouded with a blue nimbus caused by your spell, but it seems to fade almost immediately. {caster}
	[victim] is temporarily shrouded with a blue nimbus, but it seems to fade almost immediately. {third parties}
	The world turns blue for a moment as you are shrouded with a strange blue nimbus, but you manage to shake off the effects. {victim}
	[victim] is temporarily shrouded with a blue nimbus caused by your spell, causing [his/her/its] form to waver oddly. {caster}
	[victim] is temporarily shrouded with a blue nimbus, causing [his/her/its] form to waver oddly. {third parties}
	The world turns blue as you are temporarily shrouded by a strange nimbus of energy. {victim}
	[object] practically glows with evil, it's not going to get much worse. {caster}
	[object] has already been jinxed. {caster}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	[object] glows with a malevolent mauve aura. {everyone in the room}
	The powerful holiness that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	[object] glows with a dark crimson aura as the aura of goodness is burned from it. {everyone in the room}
	The powerful holiness that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	[object] glows with a malevolent mauve aura. {everyone in the room}
	[victim] glows with a malevolent mauve aura, but it fades too quickly. {caster}
	[victim] glows with a malevolent mauve aura, but it fades too quickly. {third parties}
	[victim] glows briefly with a malevolent mauve aura. {caster}
	[victim] glows briefly with a malevolent mauve aura. {third parties}
	[object] practically glows with evil, it's not going to get much worse. {caster}
	[object] has already been hexed. {caster}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	[object] glows with an ominous crimson aura. {everyone in the room}
	The powerful holiness that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	[object] glows with a dark crimson aura as the aura of goodness is burned from it. {everyone in the room}
	The powerful holiness that saturates [object] repulses your magic! {caster}
	[object] glows with an ominous crimson aura. {everyone in the room}
	[victim] glows with an ominous crimson aura, but it fades too quickly. {caster}
	[victim] glows with an ominous crimson aura, but it fades too quickly. {third parties}
	[victim] glows briefly with an ominous crimson aura. {caster}
	[victim] glows briefly with an ominous crimson aura. {third parties}
	[victim] is unaffected by your magic. {caster}
	You are unaffected by [caster]'s magic. {victim}
	There is a low rumble of thunder as the space surrounding [victim] warps and distorts, as if in pain. {caster}
	Your head feels numb as the world around you seems to warp and distort. {victim}
	[victim] staggers and steps backwards, shaking [his/her/its] head in confusion. {third parties}
	[victim] glows with a horrifying graphite aura, but it fades too quickly. {caster}
	[victim] glows with a horrifying graphite aura, but it fades too quickly. {third parties}
	[victim] glows briefly with a horrifying graphite aura. {caster}
	|DWith a disturbing cracking and scraping sound, [victim] turns to stone.|X {caster}
	[victim] glows briefly with a horrifying graphite aura. {third parties}
	|DWith a disturbing cracking and scraping sound, [victim] turns to stone.|X {third parties}
	[victim] is unaffected by your magic. {caster}
	You are unaffected by [caster]'s magic. {victim}
	[victim] glows briefly with a portentous ochre aura. {caster}
	[victim] glows briefly with a portentous ochre aura. {third parties}
	You feel a sudden weight crushing down upon your every movement, making it more difficult to walk. {victim}
	[victim] stumbles and staggers, and appears to be fighting some unusual force. {third parties}
	[victim] stumbles and staggers under the additional weight you have bestowed upon [him/her/it]. {caster}
	A pentacle of reddish light shines briefly upon your chest before fading. {caster}
	A pentacle of reddish light shines briefly upon your chest before fading. {victim}
	A pentacle of reddish light shines briefly upon [victim]'s chest before fading. {third parties}
	[victim] is unaffected by your magic. {caster}
	You are unaffected by [caster]'s magic. {victim}
	[caster]'s fingertips brush [victim], causing [him/her/it] to gasp in shock. {third parties}
	[caster]'s fingertips brush you, causing you to feel a sudden, strong pang of hunger. {victim}
	Your fingertips brush [victim], causing [him/her/it] to gasp in shock. {caster}
	[caster]'s [object] brushes [victim], causing [him/her/it] to gasp in shock. {third parties}
	[caster]'s [object] brushes you, causing you to feel a sudden, strong pang of hunger. {victim}
	You brush [victim] with [object], causing [him/her/it] to gasp in shock. {caster}
	Your magic doesn't seem to have any effect on [victim]. {caster}
	There is a low rumble of thunder as a tightly-contained and directed energy shockwave blasts through the area. {everyone in the room}
	[victim] stumbles and shakes [his/her/its] head, as if in pain. {third parties}
	[victim] stumbles and shakes [his/her/its] head, as if in pain. {caster}
	You stumble and shake your head as the shockwave temporarily overloads your eardrums. {victim}
	[victim] glows with a malevolent fuchsia aura, but it fades quickly. {caster}
	[victim] glows with a malevolent fuchsia aura, but it fades quickly. {third parties}
	[victim] glows briefly with a malevolent fuchsia aura. {caster}
	[victim] glows briefly with a malevolent fuchsia aura. {third parties}
	You glow with a maleficent citrine aura. {caster}
	[victim] glows with a maleficent citrine aura. {third parties}
	[victim] glows briefly with a maleficent citrine aura. {caster}
	[victim] glows briefly with a maleficent citrine aura. {third parties}
	[victim] doesn't appear to be able to see you. {caster}
	You fix [victim] with an intense glare, imagining [his/her/its] mind falling into madness... {caster}
	[caster] fixes you with an intense glare that seems to bore deep into your head... {victim}
	[caster] fixes [victim] with an intense glare, and space seems to warp and bend in its wake. {third parties}
	Summoning willpower from deep within, you manage to resist the effects of [caster]'s evil eye. {victim}
	[victim] staggers slightly, as if struggling with inner demons, but manages to glare definantly back at [caster]! {third parties}
	[victim] returns your glare with defiance! Your evil eye has failed! {caster}
	[victim] flails [his/her/its] arms about wildly, and gibbers, shrieking about voices in [his/her/its] head! {caster}
	The voices in your head begin to taunt you wildly as your sanity slips away from you! {victim}
	[victim] flails [his/her/its] arms about wildly, and gibbers, shrieking about voices in [his/her/its] head! {third parties}
	[victim] doesn't appear to be able to see you. {caster}
	[object] sparks and malevolent energy arcs across its surface. {caster}
	You turn your malevolent gaze upon [victim], reveling in [his/her/its] potential destruction. {caster}
	[caster] turns [his/her/its] malevolent gaze upon you, a cruel smile on [his/her/its] face. {victim}
	[caster] turns [his/her/its] malevolent gaze upon [victim], a cruel smile on [his/her/its] face. {third parties}
	[object] sparks and malevolent energy arcs across its surface. {caster}
	Summoning willpower from deep within, you manage to resist the effects of [caster]'s evil eye. {victim}
	[victim] staggers slightly, as if struggling with inner demons, but manages to glare definantly back at [caster]! {victim}
	[victim] returns your glare with defiance! Your evil eye has failed! {caster}
	Summoning willpower from deep within, you manage to resist the effects of [object]'s evil force. {victim}
	[victim] staggers slightly, as if struggling with inner demons. {victim}
	[victim] stumbles and almost falls, and a low gasp escapes from [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	[victim] stumbles and almost falls, and a low gasp escapes from [him/her/it]. {caster}
	You stumble and almost fall, as you feel the evil power of [caster]'s gaze affecting you. {victim}
	[victim] doesn't appear to be able to see you. {caster}
	You turn your malevolent gaze upon [victim], imagining [him/her/it] as immobile as a tree. {caster}
	[caster] turns [his/her/its] malevolent gaze upon you, with one hand outstretched, pointing. {victim}
	[caster] turns [his/her/its] malevolent gaze upon [victim], with one hand outstretched, pointing. {third parties}
	Summoning willpower from deep within, you manage to resist the effects of [caster]'s gaze. {victim}
	[victim] staggers slightly, as if struggling with inner demons, but manages to glare definantly back at [caster]! {victim}
	[victim] returns your glare with defiance! Your evil gaze has failed! {caster}
	[victim] gasps as the power of [caster]'s gaze affects [him/her/it]! {third parties}
	[victim] gasps as the power of your gaze affects [him/her/it]! {caster}
	You feel as if your feet have grown roots, and can only move with great difficulty! {victim}
	|BA glowing blue energy field forms around [victim], but it flickers and fades almost immediately.|X {third parties}
	|BA glowing blue energy field forms around [victim], but it flickers and fades almost immediately.|X {caster}
	|BA glowing blue energy field forms around you, but it flickers and fades almost immediately.|X {victim}
	|BA glowing blue energy field forms around [victim], then pulses and jumps to [caster].|X {third parties}
	|BA glowing blue energy field forms around [victim], then pulses and jumps to you.|X {caster}
	|BA glowing blue energy field forms around you, then pulses and jumps to [caster].|X {victim}
	You have siphoned a spell effect of '[spell]' from [victim]. {caster}
	[caster] has siphoned the spell effect of '[spell]' from you. {victim}
	You have siphoned a magical effect from [victim]. {caster}
	[caster] has siphoned a magical effect from you. {victim}
	[victim] is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura. {third parties}
	[victim] staggers and steps back a foot. {third parties}
	[victim] staggers and steps back a foot. {caster}
	[victim] staggers and steps back a foot. {third parties}
	[victim] staggers and steps back a foot. {caster}
	You concentrate on the auric field surrounding [victim]... {caster}
	The hairs on the back of your neck stand up as you sense [caster] probing your aura... {victim}
	Your mental defenses repel the attempts to read your auric field! {victim}
	[victim] repels your attempts to read [his/her/its] auric field! {caster}
	[caster] staggers and steps back a foot. {third parties}
	[caster] staggers and steps back a foot. {victim}
	[victim] is briefly outlined with a dim blue aura. {third parties}
	[victim] looks curiously distant for a moment. {third parties}
	[victim] looks curiously distant for a moment. {caster}
	[victim] looks curiously distant for a moment. {third parties}
	[victim] looks curiously distant for a moment. {caster}
	|WWith the piercing shriek of warped air, a shimmering, transluscent portal opens before you.|X {caster}
	|WWith the piercing shriek of warped air, a shimmering, transluscent portal opens before [caster].|X {third parties}
	[victim] disappears through the portal. {third parties}
	You are pulled through the portal - sights and sounds whirl past you in a confusing blur - and you eventually land with a THUMP on something hard. {caster}
	[victim] flies through the portal, landing with a THUMP before you. {third parties}
	You are pulled through the portal - sights and sounds whirl past you in a confusing blur - and you eventually land with a THUMP on something hard. {caster}
	[caster] flies through the portal, landing with a THUMP before you. {third parties}
	|WWith the piercing shriek of warped air, a shimmering, transluscent portal opens before you.|X {caster}
	|WWith the piercing shriek of warped air, a shimmering, transluscent portal opens before [caster].|X {third parties}
	[victim] disappears through the portal. {third parties}
	You are pulled through the portal - sights and sounds whirl past you in a confusing, painful blur - and you eventually land with a THUMP on something hard. {caster}
	[victim] flies through the portal, landing with a THUMP before you. {third parties}
	You are pulled through the portal - sights and sounds whirl past you in a confusing, painful blur - and you eventually land with a THUMP on something hard. {caster}
	[caster] flies through the portal, landing with a THUMP before you. {third parties}
	[victim] is evil... This spell would have no effect on [him/her/it]. {caster}
	[victim] is briefly surrounded by a faint blue aura. {caster}
	[victim] is briefly surrounded by a faint blue aura. {third parties}
	[victim] is good... This spell would have no effect on [him/her/it]. {caster}
	[victim] is briefly surrounded by a faint blue aura. {caster}
	[victim] is briefly surrounded by a faint blue aura. {third parties}
	There is a great explosion, and you are thrown to the ground! {victim}
	There is a great explosion, and [victim] is thrown to the ground! {third parties}
	There is a great explosion, and [victim] is thrown to the ground! {caster}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	|YA sickly greenish-yellow glow surrounds [object] for a moment.|X {everyone in the room}
	[object] shivers for a moment, then stands up. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	|YA sickly greenish-yellow glow surrounds [object] for a moment.|X {everyone in the room}
	[object] shivers for a moment, then stands up. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	A field of shimmering golden energy silently appears, coalescing into [victim]. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of dark energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of dark energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of dark energy appears and slowly fades away, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	|WWith the piercing shriek of warped air, a shimmering, transluscent portal opens before you.|X {caster}
	|WWith the piercing shriek of warped air, a shimmering, transluscent portal opens before [caster].|X {third parties}
	|YA host of [summons] through the portal, swarming closely about [caster].|X {third parties}
	|YA host of [summons] through the portal, swarming closely about you.|X {caster}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	A field of shimmering golden energy silently appears, coalescing into [victim]. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	A field of shimmering golden energy silently appears, coalescing into [victim]. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	A field of shimmering golden energy silently appears, coalescing into [victim]. {everyone in the room}
	Shadows collect and form into an amorphous image, then slowly fade away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	|D[victim] departs to find [his/her/its] master.|X {third parties}
	|W[victim] has arrived, called by [caster]'s summons.|X {third parties}
	|W[victim] has arrived, called by your summons.|X {caster}
	A field of golden energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	|D[victim] departs to find [his/her/its] master.|X {third parties}
	|W[victim] has arrived, called by [caster]'s summons.|X {third parties}
	|W[victim] has arrived, called by your summons.|X {caster}
	|W[victim] has arrived.|X {third parties}
	|W[victim] has arrived.|X {caster}
	[object] shines brightly, briefly. {caster}
	[object] shines brightly, briefly. {third parties}
	[object] shines brightly, then explodes into fragments! {caster}
	[object] shines brightly, then explodes into fragments! {third parties}
	Nothing seems to happen. {caster}
	[caster] closes [his/her/its] eyes and concentrates... {third parties}
	|WWith the piercing shriek of warped air, a shimmering, transluscent portal opens.|X {everyone in the room}
	|RThe portal blinks out of existence almost immediately, destabalized by the high concentration of magic already present in the area.|X\n\r {everyone in the room}
	|YSparkling silently, deadly energy flows gently from you, forming into a shimmering orange ball in the center of the area.|X {caster}
	|YSparkling silently, deadly energy flows gently from [caster], forming into a shimmering orange ball in the center of the area.|X {third parties}
	[caster]'s form appears very clear all of a sudden - almost as if [he/she/it] had become more real. {third parties}
	[object] seems to have some kind of innate magic resistance. {caster}
	[object] glows brightly as one page goes blank, then another, erasing knowledge of the '[spell]' spell from it. {caster}
	A brilliant blue aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then softly fades. {caster}
	A brilliant blue aura surrounds [victim] for a moment, then softly fades. {third parties}
	A brilliant blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades. {victim}
	There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as a circular patch of air is hardened in front of [victim]. {third parties}
	A virulent-looking greenish band of light lashes about [victim]'s face and arms. {third parties}
	A virulent-looking greenish band of light lashes about your face and arms! {victim}
	A virulent-looking greenish band of light lashes about [victim]'s face and arms. {caster}
	Your mouth goes dry and your eyes start to water as you start to come down with something. {victim}
	[caster] licks [his/her/its] gums frantically as [he/she/it] starts to come down with something. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	You suddenly feel winded, as though your lungs had momentarily forgotten to function. {victim}
	[caster] coughs oddly, as though hiccuping without lungs. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	A chill like paralysis spiders up your spine, ending up lodged in your sinuses. {victim}
	[caster] makes a strange *squEE*-like noise, ending with an eye twitch. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	You choke on some phlegm, nearly swallowing your uvula. {victim}
	[caster] chokes and hocks for a moment, before gurgling up a brick of blue phlegm. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	As you idly scratch your arm, you notice it is covered in pustulent boils, along with the rest of you. {victim}
	[caster] pales as [he/she/it] realizes that [he/she/it] is fully covered in pustulent boils. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	You temporarily lose your form as the finage disrupts your nervous system. {victim}
	[caster] blinks as though new to the sun. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	[victim] cannot be affected by menchal due to [his/her/its] elven heritage. {caster}
	You feel sore and exhausted, like you were coming down with something. {victim}
	[caster] visibly sags like a condemned building. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	You disregard the foam blasting from your mouth, so intent is your bloodthirst. {victim}
	[caster] begins foaming from the mouth. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	You sigh deeply and begin to breathe laconically. {victim}
	[caster] sighs deeply and begins to breathe laconically. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	You furrow your brow, trying extra hard to figure out what all those shapes are. {victim}
	[caster] furrows [his/her/its] brow in a fit of protracted confusion. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	Your skin slides off your bones, which is slightly perturbing. {victim}
	[caster]'s skin slides off [his/her/its] bones, resulting in instantaneous revulsion and nausea. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	Your feet start to itch. {victim}
	[caster] scratches [his/her/its] feet. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	You shudder as something foreign invades your body. {victim}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {third parties}
	[caster] shudders and looks decidedly unwell. {caster}
	A circlet of twisted atmosphere descends over [caster], hovering an inch above [his/her/its] head. {third parties}
	A circlet of twisted atmosphere descends over you, hovering an inch above your head. {caster}
	[caster] knocks [victim] back with a channeled blast of Diraic air! {third parties}
	You knock [victim] back with a channeled blast of Diraic air! {caster}
	[caster] knocks you back with a channeled blast of Diraic air! {victim}
	[caster] is propelled [#] by Ithrillic water spouting from beneath [his/her/its] feet! {third parties}
	You are propelled [#] by Ithrillic water spouting from beneath your feet! {caster}
	A sludgy tendril of mud grabs [caster] and yanks [him/her/it] back! {third parties}
	A sludgy tendril of mud grabs you and yanks you back! {caster}
	Some of the webbing attached to [caster]'s skin stays rooted to the ground, along with [his/her/its] skin. {third parties}
	Some of the webbing attached to your skin stays rooted to the ground, along with your skin. {caster}
	[caster] is slammed directly into a megalith blocking the exit [#]. {third parties}
	You are slammed directly into a megalith blocking the exit [#], and are dazed. {caster}
	The [direction] [door name] splinters and breaks! {everyone in the room}
	[caster] is slammed directly into an energy field blocking the exit [direction]. {third parties}
	You are slammed directly into an energy field blocking the exit [direction]. {caster}
	|RThe water slams into [victim]'s [bodypart]!|X {victim}
	|RThe water slams into [victim]'s [bodypart]!|X {third parties}
	|RThe water slams into [victim]'s [bodypart]!|X {third parties}
	|C[caster] blasts in from [direction], propelled by a ferocious column of water.|X {third parties}
	There is a sharp CRACK as the ground shifts under [victim]'s feet. {third parties}
	There is a sharp CRACK as the ground shifts under your feet. {victim}
	There is a sharp CRACK as the ground shifts under [victim]'s feet. {caster}
	[victim] braces [him/her/it]self, resists your landslide and remains standing! {caster}
	[victim] braces [him/her/it]self, resists the landslide and remains standing! {third parties}
	Bracing yourself, you manage to resist the landslide and remain standing! {victim}
	[victim] braces [him/her/it]self, resists your landslide and remains standing! {caster}
	[victim] braces [him/her/it]self, resists the landslide and remains standing! {third parties}
	Bracing yourself, you manage to resist the landslide and remain standing! {victim}
	A sludgy tendril of mud grabs [victim] and yanks [him/her/it] back! {third parties}
	A sludgy tendril of mud grabs you and yanks you back! {caster}
	The ground beneath [victim] shakes, shifts and slides, pushing [him/her/it] [direction]! {third parties}
	The ground beneath you shakes, shifts and slides, pushing you [direction]! {victim}
	The ground beneath [victim] shakes, shifts and slides, pushing [him/her/it] [direction]! {caster}
	[victim] is slammed directly into a megalith blocking the exit [direction]. {third parties}
	You are slammed directly into a megalith blocking the exit [direction], and are dazed. {victim}
	[victim] is slammed directly into a megalith blocking the exit [direction]. {caster}
	The [direction] [door name] splinters and breaks! {everyone in the room}
	[victim] is slammed directly into an energy field blocking the exit [direction]. {third parties}
	You are slammed directly into an energy field blocking the exit [direction], and are dazed. {victim}
	[victim] is slammed directly into an energy field blocking the exit [direction]. {caster}
	|M[victim] slides in from [direction] on a carpet of fast-moving rocks and soil.|X {third parties}
	|BThe ground glows with a greenish-yellow light as it turns into a disgusting muck. {everyone in the room}
	|RWith a flick of [object], [caster] produces a massive ember, and sends it flying towards [victim]!|X {third parties}
	|RWith a flick of [object], [caster] produces a massive ember, and sends it flying towards you!|X {victim}
	|R[object] produces a huge ember, which you send flying towards [victim]!|X {caster}
	|RWith a flick of [his/her/its] wrist, [caster] produces a massive ember, and sends it flying towards [victim]!|X {third parties}
	|RWith a flick of [his/her/its] wrist, [caster] produces a massive ember, and sends it flying towards you!|X {victim}
	|RA huge ember appears in your hands, before you send it flying towards [victim]!|X {caster}
	|RThe airborne ember bounces off of [victim]'s [body part]!|X {caster}
	|RThe fist-sized ember caroms off your [body part]!|X {victim}
	|RThe fist-sized ember bounces off of [victim]'s [body part]!|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] enters into combat with [caster].|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] begins attacking you!|X {victim}
	|GYou enter into combat with [caster].|X {caster}
	|RThe flying ember careens off into the distance!|X {third parties}
	|RThe flying ember careens off into the distance!|X {caster}
	|W[object] shines with the light of Vandyne, the color of Trigael at full, which permeates the area.|X {caster}
	|W[caster]'s [object] shines with the light of Vandyne, the color of Trigael at full, which permeates the area.|X {third parties}
	|WYou swell with the light of Vandyne, the color of Trigael at full, which permeates the area.|X {caster}
	|W[caster] swells with the light of Vandyne, the color of Trigael at full, which permeates the area.|X {third parties}
	You brandish [object] authoriatively, but find no appropriate corpses to arm! {caster}
	You thrust your hands out authoriatively, but find no appropriate corpses to arm! {caster}
	[caster] thrusts [object] out before [him/her/it]! {third parties}
	You thrust [object] out before you! {caster}
	[caster] thrusts [his/her/its] hands out before [him/her/it]! {third parties}
	You thrust your hands out before you! {caster}
	You brandish [object] authoriatively, but find no corpses to explode! {caster}
	You thrust your hands out authoriatively, but find no corpses to explode! {caster}
	[caster] thrusts [object] out before [him/her/it]! {third parties}
	You thrust [object] out before you! {caster}
	[caster] thrusts [his/her/its] hands out before [him/her/it]! {third parties}
	You thrust your hands out before you! {caster}
	[victim] is blown backwards with the force of the blast. {third parties}
	You are blown backward with the force of the blast. {victim}
	[victim] is blown backward with the force of the blast. {caster}
	|Y[victim] enters into combat with [caster].|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] begins attacking you!|X {victim}
	|GYou enter into combat with [caster].|X {caster}
	A shadowy, nebulous aura of attractive Vandynic forces emanates from [caster]. {third parties}
	A shadowy, nebulous aura of attractive Vandynic forces emanates from your very pores. {caster}
	A gust of air swirls, but almost immediately dissipates due to the surrounding terrain. {everyone in the room}
	A sudden burst of cold air swirls debris about, twisting around the area into a small column. {everyone in the room}
	The cyclonic column of air brushes past [victim]. {third parties}
	The cyclonic column of air brushes past you. {victim}
	The cyclonic column of air brushes past [victim]. {caster}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but its environment prevents it from animating. {everyone in the room}
	[object]'s eyes alight long enough to scan all around, but its surroundings are too full for it to animate. {everyone in the room}
	[object] looks as though it is starting to move, but there is not enough room in your formation for it to fully animate. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens. {everyone in the room}
	[object] seems to move for a moment, but its form is too alien for the plane to accommodate. {everyone in the room}
	|YA grating, cracking sound from [object] reverberates throughout the area.|X {everyone in the room}
	[object] shivers and comes to life! {everyone in the room}
	The material surrounding [object] crackles off, and affixes itself on top of [caster]'s stony skin. {third parties}
	The material surrounding [object] crackles off, and affixes itself on top of your stony skin. {caster}
	The material surrounding [object] crackles off, and affixes itself on top of [caster]'s skin. {third parties}
	The material surrounding [object] crackles off, and affixes itself on top of your skin. {caster}
	A bluish glow emanates from [caster]'s being, regenerating [his/her/its] constitution.\n\r {caster}
	A bluish glow emanates from [caster]'s being, regenerating [his/her/its] constitution.\n\r {third parties}
	[caster]'s magic causes a Maradaic megalith to be precipitated directly blocking [direction] exit. {third parties}
	Your magic causes a Maradaic megalith to be precipitated directly blocking [direction] exit. {caster}
	|YMaintaining your concentration, your magic briefly creates a tiny point of brilliant light.|X {caster}
	|Y[caster] bows [his/her/its] head, and momentarily illuminates the area with a searing white flare.|X {third parties}
	[victim] blinks and staggers, but is otherwise unaffected by your flare. {caster}
	[victim] blinks and staggers, but is otherwise unaffected by [caster]'s flare. {third parties}
	You blink and momentarily falter, but are otherwise unaffected by the flare. {victim}
	[victim] shrieks in surprise as your solar flare damages [his/her/its] vision. {caster}
	[victim] shrieks in surprise as [caster]'s massive solar flare damages [his/her/its] vision. {third parties}
	Your optic nerve temporarily collapses, shocked by [caster]'s massive solar flare. {victim}
	|Y[victim] enters into combat with [caster].|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] begins attacking you!|X {victim}
	|GYou enter into combat with [caster].|X {caster}
	[caster]'s magic intercedes with your connection to the twin moons' etheric energy! {victim}
	[caster]'s magic intercedes with [victim]'s connection to the twin moons' etheric energy! {third parties}
	Your magic intercedes with [victim]'s connection to the twin moons' etheric energy! {caster}
	A flowing cloak of lava enshrouds [victim], slowly hardening on [his/her/its] skin. {third parties}
	A flowing cloak of lava enshrouds you, slowly hardening on your skin. {caster}
	A tesseract of phantom energy launches from [caster] to strike you, draining your life force to the fourth dimension! {victim}
	A tesseract of phantom energy launches from [caster] to strike [victim], draining [his/her/its] life force to the fourth dimension! {third parties}
	A tesseract of phantom energy launches from you to strike [victim], draining [his/her/its] life force to the fourth dimension! {caster}
	[victim] suddenly looks worn out and exhausted, as though by a drudging slog. {third parties}
	You feel exhausted and haggard, all the worse for wear. {victim}
	[victim] suddenly looks worn out and exhausted, as though by a drudging slog. {caster}
	The ghosts inhabiting [victim]'s mind are unable to seduce [him/her/it]. {victim}
	[caster] convinces the impulses and ghosts in [victim]'s brain to make [him/her/it] harm [him/her/it]self. {third parties}
	You convince the impulses and ghosts in [victim]'s brain to make [him/her/it] harm [him/her/it]self. {caster}
	Without understanding why, you decide to start injuring yourself. {victim}
	|RThe ghosts awaken from their slumber, causing havoc.|X {caster}
	|yThe ghosts awaken from their slumber, causing significant havoc.|X {caster}
	|YThe ghosts awaken from their slumber, causing great havoc.|X {caster}
	|GThe ghosts awaken from their slumber, causing enormous havoc.|X {caster}
	|C[victim]'s eyes glaze over as [his/her/its] head brims over with agony.|X {caster}
	[victim]'s eyes roll back as [he/she/it] is filled with tremendous latent energies. {third parties}
	Your body starts to twitch violently as you are filled with tremendous energy. {caster}
	A long, blunt iron rod appears out of the end of [caster]'s [object], aiming squarely at [victim].|X {third parties}
	A long, blunt iron rod appears out of the end of [caster]'s [object], aiming squarely at you.|X {victim}
	A long, blunt iron rod appears out of the end of your [object], aiming squarely at [victim].|X {caster}
	[caster] conjures a long, blunt rod of iron out of thin air, aiming squarely at [victim].|X {third parties}
	[caster] conjures a long, blunt rod of iron out of thin air, aiming squarely at you.|X {victim}
	You conjure a long, blunt rod of iron out of thin air, aiming squarely at [victim].|X {caster}
	[victim] nimbly somersaults out of the way of the sharpened wooden stake.|X {third parties}
	You tumble out of the way of [caster]'s sharpened wooden stake.|X {victim}
	[victim] somersaults out of the way of your sharpened wooden stake.|X {caster}
	A sharpened wooden stake appears out of the end of [caster]'s [object], zipping towards at [victim].|X {third parties}
	A sharpened wooden stake appears out of the end of [caster]'s [object], zipping towards at you.|X {victim}
	A sharpened wooden stake appears out of the end of your [object], zipping towards at [victim].|X {caster}
	[caster] conjures a sharpened wooden stake out of thin air, zipping towards at [victim].|X {third parties}
	[caster] conjures a sharpened wooden stake out of thin air, zipping towards at you.|X {victim}
	You conjure a sharpened wooden stake out of thin air, zipping towards at [victim].|X {caster}
	[victim] nimbly somersaults out of the way of the sharpened wooden stake.|X {third parties}
	You tumble out of the way of [caster]'s sharpened wooden stake.|X {victim}
	[victim] somersaults out of the way of your sharpened wooden stake.|X {caster}
	You attempt to call divine might down on [victim] without realizing [he/she/it] is one of you. {caster}
	Wielding [his/her/its] piety like a weapon, [caster] blows through [victim] with religious fervor.|X {third parties}
	Wielding your piety like a weapon, you blast [victim] with religious fervor.|X {caster}
	[caster] blasts [victim] with religious fervor.|X {third parties}
	You blast [victim] with religious fervor.|X {caster}
	An wave of existenstial nausea blasts up your spine, kinking your neck and fuzzing your reality.|X {victim}
	[victim] nimbly somersaults out of the way of the sharpened wooden stake.|X {third parties}
	You tumble out of the way of [caster]'s sharpened wooden stake.|X {victim}
	[victim] somersaults out of the way of your sharpened wooden stake.|X {caster}
	|W[victim] chokes on bile as [he/she/it] is overcome with the supreme might of a demigod.|X {third parties}
	|WYou nearly choke to death as you struggle to control the supreme might of a demigod.|X {caster}
	|RHolding [his/her/its] [object] aloft, [caster] declares [his/her/its] bloodthirstiness.|X {third parties}
	|RHolding your [object] aloft, you declare your bloodthirstiness.|X {caster}
	|RShrieking mightily, [caster] heralds [his/her/its] own bloodthirstiness.|X {third parties}
	|RShrieking mightily, you declare your bloodthirstiness to all present.|X {caster}
	That won't work. {caster}
	[victim] resists your attempts to prematurely ensure [his/her/its] death. {caster}
	You struggle to resist [caster]'s attempts to prematurely herald you into the afterlife. {victim}
	[victim] resists [caster]'s attempts to prematurely ensure [his/her/its] death. {third parties}
	You prepare to usher [victim] into the afterlife. {caster}
	[caster] prepares to usher you into the afterlife. {victim}
	[caster] prepares to usher [victim] into the afterlife. {third parties}
	[victim] bobs [his/her/its] head and lolls out [his/her/its] tongue awkwardly. {third parties}
	Your tongue dries out, and you suddenly start to fear the notion of sleep. {victim}
	That won't work. {caster}
	You drive [victim] into the depths of bloodlusting madness. {caster}
	[caster] drives you into the depths of bloodlusting madness. {victim}
	[caster] drives [victim] into the depths of bloodlusting madness. {third parties}
	[victim]'s face turns ashen. {third parties}
	You feel slightly more sinister. {caster}
	[victim]'s shoulders start jerking frenetically, anxious to begin the bloodletting. {third parties}
	Your body feels twitchy and hyperkinetic. {caster}
	A faint octarine shield settles around [caster]. {third parties}
	A faint octarine shield settles around you. {caster}
	[victim]'s eyes burn with an inner fire as [he/she/it] understands all the secrets of the universe. {third parties}
	Your eyes burn with an inner fire as the knowledge of the ages floods into your mind. {caster}
	[caster] tosses some greenish fungus towards [victim]. {third parties}
	[caster] tosses some greenish fungus towards you. {victim}
	You toss some greenish fungus towards [victim]. {caster}
	The fungus leeches into [victim]'s skin. {caster}
	The fungus leeches into your skin. {victim}
	The fungus leeches into [victim]'s skin. {third parties}
	Some of the fungus brushes [victim]. {caster}
	Some of the fungus brushes you. {victim}
	Some of the fungus brushes [victim]. {third parties}
	You attempt to set [victim] on fire. {caster}
	You attempt to set yourself on fire. {caster}
	[caster] attempts to set [victim] on fire. {third parties}
	[caster] attempts to set you on fire. {victim}
	You only succeed in coating [victim] with tinder. {caster}
	[victim] is coated with tinder. {third parties}
	You are covered with tinder. {victim}
	The tinder stuck to [victim] ignites, setting [him/her/it] on fire. {caster}
	The tinder stuck to you ignites, setting you on fire. {victim}
	The tinder stuck to [victim] ignites, setting [him/her/it] on fire. {third parties}
	[victim]'s skin takes on a dark, bark-colored hue, as though growing more sturdy and dense. {third parties}
	[victim]'s skin toughens until it takes on the appearance of bark. {third parties}
	[victim] seems to turn into a mist for a moment, then reverts to normal. {third parties}
	|YYou coat [victim] with a bit of mucus, leaving [him/her/it] conductive but unharmed.|X {caster}
	|Y[caster] coats you with a glob of mucus, leaving you conductive but unharmed.|X {victim}
	|Y[caster] coats [victim] with a glob of mucus, leaving [him/her/it] conductive but unharmed.|X {third parties}
	|YYou coat [victim] with a bit of electrogenic mucus, filling [him/her/it] with painful current.|X {caster}
	|Y[caster] coats you with a bit of electrogenic mucus, filling you with painful current.|X {victim}
	|Y[caster] coats [victim] with a bit of electrogenic mucus, filling [him/her/it] with painful current.|X {third parties}
	|CYour inner ear pops with the incursion of a new organ.|X {caster}
	|CGulping awkwardly, [victim] stutters as [he/she/it] grows accustomed to [his/her/its] new growth.|X {third parties}
	[victim] withers nervously beneath your cruel eye. {caster}
	You slink into a lower profile, anxious beneath [caster]'s cruel eye. {victim}
	[victim] withers nervously beneath [caster]'s cruel eye. {third parties}
	[victim]'s eyes glaze over as the bloodlust takes hold. {third parties}
	Your heartrate quickens and your vision is tinted red. {caster}
	Catching a lucky break, [victim] trips over a crack and is startled out of the nocturne. {third parties}
	Catching a lucky break, you trip over a crack and are startled out of the nocturne. {caster}
	You feel overwhelmed by the beauty of the nocturne. {victim}
	[victim] falters, distracted by the beauty of the nocturne. {third parties}
	[victim] falters, distracted by the beauty of the nocturne. {caster}
	[caster] grabs ahold of you and chants the goodness of the divine into your body! {victim}
	[caster] grabs ahold of [victim] and drives the goodness of the divine into [victim]! {third parties}
	You grab ahold of [victim] and drive the goodness of the divine into [victim]! {caster}
	A patina of caustic acid washes over [victim], before melting away [his/her/its] skin. {third parties}
	A patina of caustic acid washes over [victim], before melting away [his/her/its] skin. {caster}
	A patina of caustic acid washes over you before melting away your skin. {victim}
	[victim] doesn't appear to have been mutilated. {caster}
	[victim] breathes a bit more easily as [his/her/its] mutilated flesh recovers. {third parties}
	The scars covering [victim]'s body no longer look quite as horrifying. {third parties}
	You suddenly become very aware of your own mortality as you hear a nearby funeral dirge. {victim}
	Overhearing [caster]'s funereal dirge, [victim] pales as [his/her/its] eyes widen. {third parties}
	Overhearing your funeral dirge, [victim] pales as [his/her/its] eyes widen. {caster}
	[caster] grabs you by the neck and casts you out! {victim}
	[caster] grabs ahold of [victim] and casts [him/her/it] out! {third parties}
	You grab ahold of [victim] and cast [him/her/it] out! {caster}
	[victim] begins moving rapidly, as though caught in a sympathetic whirlwind. {third parties}
	You begin moving rapidly, as though caught in a sympathetic whirlwind. {caster}
	[caster]'s requiem succeeds. {third parties}
	|W[caster] has called upon the Powers to resurrect the dead.|X {victim}
	[caster] invades your mind with the evil of the drow, filling you with misery and loathing. {victim}
	[caster] invades [victim]'s mind with the evil of the drow, filling [him/her/it] with misery and loathing. {third parties}
	You invade [victim]'s mind, filling [him/her/it] with misery and loathing. {caster}
	[victim] is not plagueridden. {caster}
	[victim]'s flesh boils and bubbles as pustules erupt violently. {third parties}
	A sphere of hypertrophied atmosphere surrounds [victim]. {third parties}
	A sphere of hypertrophied atmosphere surrounds you. {caster}
	[victim] assumes a look of grim determination, like nothing can scare [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	[caster] assumes a look of grim determination, like nothing can scare [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	As you complete your casting, you complete your casting, your spell completes - -- --- {caster}
	|X|W|I |X|W Time stands still |X|W|I |X {everyone in the room}
	|DYou feel your lips begin to purse non-terminally, as all local spellcasting flexes and ebbs.|X {caster}
	|D[caster]'s mouth droops as [his/her/its] spell drags to completion, as all local spellcasting ebbs.|X {third parties}
	|Y[victim] is ravaged by [caster]'s blast of magical sunlight.|X {third parties}
	|YYour skin is charred by [caster]'s blast of solar energy.|X {victim}
	|YYou blast [victim]'s flesh off with a focused beam of solar energy.|X {caster}
	[victim] furrows [his/her/its] brow and withdraws into the shadows. {third parties}
	You feel vaguely more ominous. {caster}
	|wA blast of tainted silver energy pours out of [caster], disrupting your magical processes!|X {victim}
	|wA blast of tainted silver energy pours out of [caster], disrupting [victim]'s magical processes!|X {third parties}
	|wA blast of tainted silver energy pours out of you, disrupting [victim]'s magical processes!|X {caster}
	[caster] blasts you with a horrible, loud song, enraging you. {victim}
	[caster] blasts [victim] with a horrible, loud song, enraging [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	You overwhelm [victim]'s ears, enraging [him/her/it]. {caster}
	A plume of gaseous poison settles into [victim]'s skin, scarifying [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	A plume of airborne epitoxin settles into [victim]'s skin, scarifying [him/her/it]. {caster}
	A breath of airborne poison settles into your skin, scarifying the tissue. {victim}
	[victim] doesn't appear to have been scarified. {caster}
	[victim] breathes a bit more easily as [his/her/its] scarified skin rejuvenates. {third parties}
	[victim]'s skin no longer look quite as twisted. {third parties}
	[victim]'s eyes dilate and dull, and a trickle of drool spurts down [his/her/its] chin. {third parties}
	Your thought processes slow to an imperturbable trickle. {victim}
	[victim]'s eyes dilate and dull, and a trickle of drool spurts down [his/her/its] chin. {caster}
	[victim]'s form wavers and disappears, instantaneously reappearing a few feet to the left. {third parties}
	Your external form disappears, instantaneously reappearing a few feet to the right. {caster}
	[victim] clutches [his/her/its] ears as [caster] blasts [him/her/it] with a rapid sequence of alternating notes. {third parties}
	[victim] clutches [his/her/its] ears as you blast [him/her/it] with a rapid sequence of alternating notes. {caster}
	You clutch your ears as [caster] blasts you with a rapid sequence of alternating notes. {victim}
	[caster] magically pressurizes a cloud of atmosphere near [victim]'s head until it bursts. {third parties}
	You increase the pressure of a cloud of atmosphere near [victim]'s head until it bursts. {caster}
	You hear a loud bang from just behind you - ostensibly caused by [caster]. {victim}
	You inhale mightily, and blow a blast of air louder than any whistle. {caster}
	[caster] exhales a whistle higher and louder than mortally possible. {third parties}
	[caster] exhales a whistle higher and louder than mortally possible. {victim}
	[victim]'s eyes go wide and [he/she/it] clutches [his/her/its] head as vertigo sets in. {caster}
	The room starts to spin as vertigo sets in, and the only constant in view is [caster]'s face. {victim}
	[victim]'s eyes go wide and [he/she/it] clutches [his/her/its] head as vertigo sets in. {third parties}
	A look of serene focus washes over [victim]'s face, as [he/she/it] steels [him/her/it]self against distractions. {third parties}
	|WA glowing plane of light appears briefly before [caster]!|X {third parties}
	[victim]'s muscles clench with unnatural strength. {third parties}
	Your muscles clench with unnatural strength. {caster}
	[victim] grits [his/her/its] teeth with exertion as [he/she/it] begins carrying some of [his/her/its] possessions with [his/her/its] mind. {third parties}
	A bit of weight lifts from your shoulders as you shift the burden to your mind. {caster}
	[victim] withdraws into the shadows. {third parties}
	You withdraw into the shadows, cloaking yourself. {caster}
	|R[caster] ignites the air with [his/her/its] mind and flings it towards [victim].|X {third parties}
	|R[caster] ignites the air with [his/her/its] mind and flings it towards you.|X {victim}
	|RYou ignite a small pocket of turbulence with your mind and fling it towards [victim].|X {caster}
	|RFinding nothing suitable in [victim]'s mind to steal, you instead stir [his/her/its] doubts, fears and bad thoughts.|X {caster}
	|RA foreign presence weighs upon your mind, flooding you with anxiety and bad thoughts.|X {victim}
	[caster]'s contribution to the cacophonous din exacerbates your agony. {victim}
	[caster] creates an even bigger racket, contributing to [original caster]'s cacophonous outburst. {third parties}
	[victim] assists you in creating a spectacular racket. {caster}
	[caster]'s cacophonous din swells to a crescendo, loud enough to cause severe pain. {victim}
	[caster]'s cacophonous din swells to a crescendo, loud enough to cause [victim] severe pain. {third parties}
	Your cacophonous din swells to a crescendo, loud enough to cause [victim] severe pain. {caster}
	The would-be din dies down, without ever having ever built into a true cacophony. {caster}
	[victim] falls into a seizure momentarily, as [his/her/its] body's morphic form shifts. {third parties}
	Your eyes roll back into your head momentarily as your limbs ripple with power. {caster}
	[victim] arches [his/her/its] back and cracks [his/her/its] vertebrae, ready to destroy. {third parties}
	You arch your back and hear the crack of vertebrae as you prepare yourself for wanton destruction. {caster}
	[victim] seems to resist your toxins. {caster}
	You are unaffected by [caster]'s toxins. {victim}
	[victim] turns an unhealthy shade and begins to wobble as your toxin flows through [him/her/it]. {caster}
	You feel woozy and nauseous as [caster]'s toxin flows through you. {victim}
	[victim] turns an unhealthy shade and begins to wobble as [caster]'s toxin flows through [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	You are not wielding a slashing weapon, a dagger or a hook. {caster}
	|DYou attempt to sneak up behind [victim], but get noticed.|X {caster}
	|D[caster] attempts to sneak up behind you, but you notice [him/her/it] at the last moment.|X {victim}
	|D[caster] attempts to sneak up behind [victim], but is noticed.|X {third parties}
	|DStealthily, you sneak up behind [victim] and slit [his/her/its] throat.|X {caster}
	|DYour neck feels wet and you are in a great deal of pain.|X {victim}
	|DStealthily, [caster] sneaks up behind [victim] and slits [his/her/its] throat.|X {third parties}
	You are not wielding a slashing weapon, a dagger or a hook. {caster}
	|D[caster] attempts to seize upon [victim]'s coinpurse, but is noticed.|X {third parties}
	|DYou attempt to seize upon [victim]'s coinpurse, but get noticed.|X {caster}
	|DYou notice [caster] going for your coinpurse just in time to prevent [him/her/it] from slitting it.|X {victim}
	You slash open a hole in [victim]'s coinpurse, causing [object] to spill all over the ground! {caster}
	You are distracted momentarily as [caster] splashes [object] of your coinpurse all over the ground. {victim}
	[caster] slashes open a hole in [victim]'s coinpurse, causing [object] to spill all over the ground! {third parties}
	You are not wielding a slashing weapon, a dagger or a hook. {caster}
	[victim]'s tendons have already been slit! {caster}
	You slide down low and slash indiscriminately at [victim]'s legs, aiming roughly for [his/her/its] tendons. {caster}
	[caster] slides down low and slashes indiscriminately at your legs, aiming for your tendons. {victim}
	[caster] slides down low and slashes indiscriminately at [victim]'s legs, aiming roughly for [his/her/its] tendons. {third parties}
	That seems like a poor idea. {caster}
	With a flick of [his/her/its] wrist, [caster] slits open a weak link in your '[object]'. {victim}
	With a flick of your wrist, you slit open a weak link in [victim]'s '[object]'. {caster}
	With a flick of [his/her/its] wrist, [caster] slits open a weak link in [victim]'s '[object]'. {third parties}
	[caster] attempts to slit open a hole in your armor, but utterly fails to do so. {victim}
	[caster] attempts to slit open a hole in [victim]'s armor, but utterly fails to do so. {third parties}
	You attempt to slit holes in [victim]'s armor, but do not manage to do so. {caster}
	|Y[caster]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYour form shifts and wavers.|X {caster}
	|YYou feel normal again.|X {caster}
	|Y[caster] looks normal again.|X {third parties}
	|Y[caster]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYour form shifts and wavers.|X {caster}
	|YYou feel normal again.|X {caster}
	|Y[caster] looks normal again.|X {third parties}
	|Y[caster]'s form shifts and wavers.|X {third parties}
	|YYour form shifts and wavers.|X {caster}
	|YYou feel normal again.|X {caster}
	|Y[caster] looks normal again.|X {third parties}
	|R[caster] liberally applies some of the blood from the floor to [his/her/its] face and torso.|X {third parties}
	|RYou liberally apply some of the blood from the floor to your face and torso.|X {caster}
	|W[caster] lies down on the ground in an exaggerated heap and pretends to be dead!|X {third parties}
	|WYou lie on the ground and do your best to look like a dead body.|X {caster}
	With a slow, steady nod of the head, [caster] fades into the shadows. {third parties}
	With a confident nod of the head, you fade into the shadows. {caster}
	You surreptitiously stick your finger down your throat. {caster}
	[caster] sticks [his/her/its] finger down [his/her/its] throat, and starts to retch violently, looking quite ill. {third parties}
	With great dedication, you stick your finger down your throat. {caster}
	|BYou create a small portal connected to the elemental plane of water close to your feet.|X {caster}
	|BThere is a sound of rushing liquid as a small, shimmering blue portal opens in the ground near [caster]'s feet.|X {third parties}
	|BWater begins to seep through the portal, rising and rising until the entire room is flooded.|X {everyone in the room}
	[victim]'s ears perk up as [he/she/it] hears the word of the hymn. {third parties}
	[caster] achieves a beatific expression as [he/she/it] sings the hymn. {third parties}
	[caster] concentrates and tenses [his/her/its] shoulders as [he/she/it] forces [his/her/its] cartilage to regrow. {third parties}
	You roll your shoulders as you will your cartilage to grow. {caster}
	You grab ahold of [victim] with both hands; [his/her/its] very body dessicates within your grap. {caster}
	[caster] grabs ahold of [victim] with both hands; [his/her/its] very body dessicates within [his/her/its] grap. {third parties}
	[caster] seizes upon you with both hands, and you wither beneath [him/her/it]. {victim}
	[caster] adopts a prancing, offensive posture, [his/her/its] fists in front of [his/her/its] face. {third parties}
	You put up your dukes, ready to brawl. {caster}
	A real ruckus erupts as you start to raise hell. {caster}
	[caster] begins to raise hell, with you right in the middle of it. {third parties}
	You try to incite a riot, but it just doesn't have legs. {caster}
	[caster] starts to hoot and holler, but nothing much comes of it. {third parties}
	|C[caster] blasts a barrage of saltwater out of [his/her/its] palms towards [victim], inundating [him/her/it].|X {third parties}
	|CYou blast a barrage of saltwater towards [victim], inundating [him/her/it].|X {caster}
	|C[caster] blasts a barrage of saltwater out of [his/her/its] palms towards you, inundating you.|X {victim}
	A ring of toadstools spookily pop out of the ground in an asymmetric ring around [caster]. {third parties}
	You summon a ring of spores around you, which rapidly grow into magic, toxic toadstools. {caster}
	[victim] gets a wild look in [his/her/its] eye and cracks [his/her/its] knuckles so hard [his/her/its] index finger breaks. {third parties}
	Electrified acid courses through your veins - the world is yours to consume. {caster}
	|W[caster] begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...|X {third parties}
	|W[caster] begins muttering an incantation...|X {third parties}
	|W[caster] begins making arcane gestures...|X {third parties}
	|W[caster] begins casting a spell...|X {third parties}
	|W[caster] begins reciting an invocation...|X {third parties}
	|W[caster] begins reciting an evocation...|X {third parties}
	You start mumbling and waving your arms, hoping to mislead anyone who might be watching. {caster}
	The air around [victim] explodes with a flurry of a thousand bubbles giving [him/her/it] a few precious seconds to gather air before they float away. {third parties}
	A flurry of bubbles pop into existence around you, giving you a few breaths of air before they float away. {caster}
	A flurry of bubbles pop into existence around [victim]. {third parties}
	The air around you explodes with bubbles as they surround you protectively. {caster}
	You don't need a spell for that. {caster}
	[victim] is already infatuated. {caster}
	|C[caster] turns on the charm and looks to woo [victim].|X {third parties}
	|C[victim] looks like an easy target, and you go in for the kill.|X {caster}
	|C[caster] pulls you close in a tight embrace to whisper sweet nothings in your ear.|X {victim}
	An octarine aura glows about [caster]'s hands, as [he/she/it] concentrates [his/her/its] magical power. {third parties}
	An octarine aura glows about your hands, as you concentrate magical power. {caster}
	[victim] is surrounded by a band of grey energy, rapidly circling around [his/her/its] body. {third parties}
	[victim] disappears into the woods. {third parties}
	[caster] condemns [victim] and [his/her/its] armor, casting [him/her/it] out. {third parties}
	You condemn [victim] and [his/her/its] armor, casting [him/her/it] out. {caster}
	[caster] condemns you and your armor, casting you out. {victim}
	[caster] condemns [victim] and [his/her/its] magic, casting [him/her/it] out. {third parties}
	You condemn [victim] and [his/her/its] magic, casting [him/her/it] out. {caster}
	[caster] condemns you and your magic, casting you out. {victim}
	You are already in a phalanx position. {caster}
	[victim] adopts a defensive stance, huddling into a self-contained phalanx. {third parties}
	You adopt a defensive stance, huddling into a self-contained phalanx. {caster}
	There is already an enchanted totem here. {caster}
	[caster] starts to build a totem pole, and then stops, lacking sufficient gravitas to continue. {everyone in the room}
	This is not a suitable place in which to construct a totem pole. {everyone in the room}
	This is not currently a suitable place in which to construct a totem pole. {everyone in the room}
	[caster] constructs an edifice portraying a spirit animal, resulting in [victim]. {everyone in the room}
	Abandoning all strategy, you run headlong into [victim], tackling [him/her/it] and punching [him/her/it] until your knuckles bleed. {caster}
	[caster] slams into you, tackling you to the ground and punching you until [his/her/its] knuckles bleed. {victim}
	[caster] runs headlong into [victim], tackling [him/her/it] to the ground and punching [him/her/it] until [his/her/its] knuckles bleed. {third parties}
	You spin in a slow circle, gaining a feel for the terrain. {caster}
	\n\r|R |t\\|t/|t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t * KAFOOOOOOOOOOOOM * |t|t|t|t|t|t|t|t\\|t/|t |X\n\r {everyone in the room}
	|WYou ravage the area surrounding you, leaving it almost impassable for the near future. {caster}
	|W[caster] ravages the area surrounding [him/her/it], leaving it almost impassable for the near future. {third parties}
	There is nothing you can do for [him/her/it]. {caster}
	[victim] looks relieved as the evil inflicted upon [him/her/it] is cured. {third parties}
	[victim] seems to be suffering less. {third parties}
	There isn't anything you can do for [him/her/it]. {caster}
whalesong {
	[victim] gets a very confused look on [his/her/its] face as [his/her/its] language cortex begins processing everything into whalesong. {third parties}
	[victim]'s mind is already faulty and amnesiac. {caster}
	[victim] clutches at [his/her/its] forehead as though someone is pounding on it with a hammer. {third parties}
	You feel a migraine coming on. {victim}
	You strike at the heart of the formation, targeting [victim]. {caster}
	[caster] strikes at the heart of your formation, targeting you. {victim}
	[caster] strikes at the heart of [victim]'s formation, targeting [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	You strike [victim] in [his/her/its] solar plexus, leaving [him/her/it] gasping for breath. {caster}
	[caster] strikes you in the solar plexus, leaving you gasping for breath. {victim}
	[caster] strikes [victim] in [his/her/its] solar plexus, leaving [him/her/it] gasping for breath. {third parties}
	You sucker punch [victim] right in the kidneys. {caster}
	[caster] sucker punches you right in the kidneys. {victim}
	[caster] sucker punches [victim] right in the kidneys. {third parties}
	You consume [object] in a sudden blaze, engulfing [victim] in an inferno. {caster}
	[caster] consumes [object] in a sudden blaze, engulfing you in an inferno. {victim}
	[caster] consumes [object] in a sudden blaze, engulfing [victim] in an inferno. {third parties}
	You fling a burning match at [victim], burning [him/her/it]. {caster}
	[caster] flings a burning match at you, burning your flesh. {victim}
	[caster] flings a burning match at [victim], burning [him/her/it]. {third parties}
	You feel woozy and dazed. {victim}
	You crush [victim] with a devastating blow from [object], striking [him/her/it] down. {caster}
	[caster] smashes you with a devastating blow from [object]. {victim}
	[caster] strikes [victim] down with a devastating blow from [object]. {third parties}
	You strike [victim] down. {caster}
	[caster] winds up and strikes you down. {victim}
	[caster] winds up and strikes [victim] down. {third parties}
	You strike [victim], eliciting a grimace of pain. {caster}
	You grimace with pain as [caster] strikes you. {victim}
	[caster] strikes [victim], eliciting a grimace of pain. {third parties}
	[victim] has already been stricken by death's cold hand. {caster}
	|RYou strike [victim] in six pressure points simultaneously, disrupting [his/her/its] nervous system.|X {caster}
	|R[caster] strikes you in six pressure points simultaneously, disrupting your nervous system and endangering your life should you move very far.|X {victim}
	|R[caster] strikes [victim] in six pressure points simultaneously, disrupting [his/her/its] nervous system and endangering [his/her/its] life should [he/she/it] move very far.|X {third parties}
	|gAnticipating the danger posed by the trees behind [him/her/it], [victim] dodges out of the way of their branches.|X {third parties}
	|gYour sensitivity to wood pays off as you dodge a tree branch swaying in the wind.|X {victim}
	|gAnticipating the danger posed by the trees behind [him/her/it], [victim] dodges out of the way of their branches.|X {caster}
	The trees behind [victim] sways in the wind, swiping [him/her/it] in the head with their branches.|X {third parties}
	A tree behind you creaks in the wind, cracking you in the head with one of its branches.|X {victim}
	A tree behind [victim] sways in the wind, swiping [him/her/it] in the head with one their branches.|X {caster}
	You animate [object], jerking back as it chases down [victim] in a fight to the death. {caster}
	[caster] jerks back as [he/she/it] animates [object], who chases down [victim] in a fight to the death. {victim}
	[caster] jerks back as [he/she/it] animates [object], who promptly chases after you. {third parties}
	[victim] is already doddering and decrepit. {caster}
	|w[victim] is ravaged by [caster]'s magic, turning wan and skeletal.|X {third parties}
	|wYou start convulsing as [caster]'s magic turns you wan and skeletal.|X {victim}
	|wYour magic ravages [victim], sending [him/her/it] into convulsions as [his/her/its] skin becomes skeletal.|X {caster}
	[victim] clenches [his/her/its] fists until [he/she/it] draws blood, now endowed with superhuman battle prowess. {third parties}
	Endowed with battle prowess, you feel much more dangerous with your ten thousand fists of fury. {caster}
	[victim] clutches [his/her/its] [object] more tightly, as though endowed with superhuman battle prowess. {third parties}
	Endowed with battle prowess, you feel much more dangerous with your [object]. {caster}
	[victim] is already virulently contagious. {caster}
	[victim]'s immune system rejects your contagion. {caster}
	[caster] insinuates [his/her/its] way into [victim]'s biology and infects [him/her/it] with a contagion. {third parties}
	You wriggle your way into [victim]'s immune system, temporarily slowing it. {caster}
	[caster] alters your immune system, temporarily reducing its efficacy. {victim}
	[victim]'s mouth begins seeping saliva. {third parties}
	[victim]'s mouth begins seeping saliva. {third parties}
	[victim]'s skin becomes more taut and youthful. {third parties}
	You freeze [object] solid and hurl it at [victim]. {caster}
	[caster] freezes [object] in [his/her/its] hands and hurls it at [victim]. {victim}
	[caster] freezes [object] in [his/her/its] hands and hurls it at you. {third parties}
	[caster] attempts to corrode your [object] from the inside out, but fails. {victim}
	[caster] attempts to corrode [victim]'s [object] from the inside out, but fails. {third parties}
	You attempt to corrode [victim]'s [object] from the inside out, but fail. {caster}
	[victim]'s [object] glows with a red-hot aura as its consecration is reversed. {third parties}
	[object] glows with a red-hot aura as its consecration is reversed. {victim}
	[victim]'s [object] glows with a red-hot aura as its consecration is reversed. {caster}
	[caster] infuses your '[object]' with acid, corroding it from the inside out. {victim}
	[caster] infuses [victim]'s '[object]' with acid, corroding it from the inside out. {third parties}
	You infuse [victim]'s '[object]' with acid, corroding it from the inside out. {caster}
	[victim] is too inured to the flames for that to work. {caster}
	[victim] is too inured to the flames for that to work. {caster}
	A thin layer of ice crackles as it wraps itself around [caster]. {caster}
	A thin layer of ice crackles as it wraps itself around [caster]. {third parties}
	A thin layer of ice crackles as it wraps itself around you. {victim}
	|YA static bubble forms around [victim], acting as a barrier between [him/her/it] and the rest of the world.|X {third parties}
	[victim] is already marked as a plague carrier! {caster}
	You attempt to stab [victim] with a needle tainted with plague, but miss your mark. {caster}
	[caster] stabs you with a needle tainted with plague, marking you as a plague carrier. {third parties}
	You stab [victim] with a needle tainted with plague, marking [him/her/it] as a plague carrier. {caster}
	[caster] stabs [victim] with a needle tainted with plague, marking [him/her/it] as a plague carrier. {victim}
	[victim] is already covered in spider eggs! {caster}
	You summon a host of spider eggs to infest [victim], but they simply slide off of [him/her/it]. {caster}
	[caster] waves a hand and [victim], and fills [his/her/its] orifices with wriggling spider eggs. {third parties}
	You summon a host of spider eggs to infest [victim], filling [his/her/its] orifices with wriggling eggs. {caster}
	You sense motion within your ear canals as [victim] fills them with ready-to-hatch spider eggs. {victim}
sandblast {
	[victim] is already covered with sand! {caster}
	You are already covered with sand! {victim}
	|yThe hot, sand-choked wind blasts through you, leaving you as dry as a bone.|X {caster}
	|yA hot wind blows through [victim], raking [him/her/it] with coarse, brutal sand.|X {third parties}
	You move to cast [caster] into hell, but [he/she/it] resists your best attempts. {caster}
	[caster] utters an oratory of fire and brimstone, damning [victim]! {third parties}
	You summon a host of spider eggs to infest [victim], filling [his/her/its] orifices with wriggling eggs. {caster}
	You sense motion within your ear canals as [victim] fills them with ready-to-hatch spider eggs. {victim}
	A white pall drapes itself over your field of vision like a veil. {caster}
	[victim] blinks with surprise as [he/she/it] sees the truth. {third parties}
	|RA herd of u|ynicorns made |Yof astral en|Gergy slowly s|Bolidify as t|Chey streak ou|Mt of the sky. {third parties}
	|XA fog of iridescent octarine particulate rises from beneath you, obscuring the room.|X {everyone in the room}
	A green sprout pops up from the ground, but then withers away to dust. {everyone in the room}
	A field of emerald energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A field of emerald energy appears and slowly fades away. {everyone in the room}
	A green sprout pops up from the ground, growing into [victim]. {everyone in the room}
magnify {
	[victim] begins glowing with a bright light! {third parties}
	You begin glowing with a bright light! {caster}
	[victim] lifts [his/her/its] chin up as the air fills with voices proclaiming [his/her/its] professionalism. {third parties}
	You lift your chin up proudly as the air swells with voices commending you. {caster}
	You attempt to cause a diplomatic crisis, but [caster] regains [his/her/its] composure without doing anything embarassing. {caster}
	[caster] mutters something inflammatory about [victim] under [his/her/its] breath. {third parties}
	You say something charmingly hostile about [victim], raising eyebrows all around. {caster}
	Your mind fills with paranoia and voices as people begin to whisper ill of you. {victim}
	[victim] stymies your corrupting influence. {caster}
	[caster] corrupts [victim]'s etheric field, leaving [him/her/it] enervated. {third parties}
	You corrupt [victim]'s etheric field, leaving [him/her/it] enervated. {caster}
	[caster] corrupts your etheric field, leaving you enervated. {victim}

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Last edited November 30, 2012 2:03 pm by Ithilwen (diff)