One Of The Twin Dragons Of Colove

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Location: Old Empire Clan Hall
Levels: 241
Boss Kill: 240+
Availability: Standard area repop.


You need to have a bard in form to keep one of the dragons asleep while rest of the form fights its twin. Take the usual measures to prepare and head to 1385, 1196. Go e, 2n, 2d. Have the bard go northwest and start casting songs (preferably those with a short cast time - light or cure light works) then have the tank go southeast and rest of the group should follow the tank.


The twin dragon breathes, lashes tail and everyone in the form will continue taking damage even if they shield block breaths. So keep everyone healed and make sure the bard at the northwest dragon continues playing songs. The purpose of this is to make sure the dragon northwest "stays asleep" and lulled by the music because if he wakes up, he'll breathe fire which will kill everyone in the area. Each song will lull the dragon for two minutes (One of the twin dragons of Colove is nearly awoken by its twin's cries, but instead is lulled into rolling over for two more minutes of snoozing.) Even after the southeast dragon dies, the northwest dragon has to be kept asleep while everyone leaves the area. Then the bard should attempt to leave as fast as possible before he's awake again.

It may throw you down a few times when trying to leave the area.

You attempt to climb back up the steep stairs, but just fall down!

When the northwest dragon wakes up and its breath kills everyone, it looks like this:

The ground trembles as the fiery dragon to the northwest awakens and prepares for battle.
A massive fireball pours through the room, incinerating everything.


Item 'a ruby tailpiece' is type armor, alignment 0, made of stone (in (new) condition),
has keywords 'tailpiece piece stone armor fat ruby studded ', equipped on the tail.
This item weighs 0 stones and 12 pebbles, and is valued at 55,100 gold. 
This level 241 item has the attributes: identified insulated unbreakable nodecay no-tweak
This item has a default lifespan of 365 days.
Armor resistance is 68 pierce, 65 bash, 67 slash, and 66 exotic.
Affects damage-bash by 11.
Affects strength by 2.
Alters knowledge of 'throwing' by 10%.
Affects ar-tail by 7.
*Your race must be equal to minotaur to use this item.
*Your level must be greater than or equal to 200 to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 5 times and renewed 4 times.
*This item has a limit of [1] per character.
Sponsored by Lord Telleri to journey to distant lands and slay malevolent
creatures, a group of minotaurs set out towards Beltane.  This specially-
crafted tailpiece, crafted to be worn by the minotaurs, topped with a ruby
dug from an Avros mine, is all that remains of that expedition.  Yet, their
loss is your gain, as this armor is now yours.  

Item 'a minotaur-leather buckler' is type armor, alignment 0, made of leather (in (new) condition),
has keywords 'buckler minotaur hide leather yoravy crest', equipped as a shield.
This item weighs 0 stones and 77 pebbles, and is valued at 55,100 gold. 
This level 241 item has the attributes: identified unbreakable level-adjusted no-tweak
When obtained/equipped this will adjust to 80% of the bearer's level.
Armor resistance is 6 pierce, 5 bash, 6 slash, and 5 exotic.
Affects ar-torso by 5.
Affects damage by 17.
Affects damage-bash by 7.
Affects fire-prcnt by -3.
*Your race must be equal to dracon to use this item.
*Your level must be greater than or equal to 200 to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 12 times.
Assembled by one of the armorers held in thrall to their dynasty, this
Yoravy shield looks similar to other bucklers worn by their warrior
offspring.  Its functionality differs significantly, however, optimized to
be worn by a dracon, presumably a child borne of wedlock and miscenegation,
two things that the Yoravy family never took lightly.  Blood is thicker than
pride, and so here this buckler is.

Item 'dwarf-punting boots' is type amulet, alignment 0, made of steel (in (new) condition),
has keywords 'big boots pair dwarf punting', equipped on the feet.
This item weighs 0 stones and 40 pebbles, and is valued at 17,000 gold. 
This level 200 item has the attributes: identified wont-fuse unbreakable nodecay no-dispel no-tweak
This item has a default lifespan of 60 days.
This amulet repels earthquake-damage  with a success rate of 80%.
Affects hp by 200.
Affects ar-legs by 12.
Affects agility by -4.
Affects wisdom by -2.
This item has a special enchantment.
*Your race must be equal to ogre to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 1 time and renewed 4 times.
*This item has a limit of [1] per character.
Ogres aren't known for communicating very well, but whoever wrote the
purchase order for these boots certainly knew what they were doing.  Sleek
and fast, these boots look like they kick very hard, and fast.  Sturdy and
steel-toed, they look like they'd weather a storm well.  Hearty and well-
supported, they look like they would protect their wearer in time of need.  

+++ dwarf-punting boots have a chance, in combat, to do to their wearer's
opponent 10 damage for every inch shorter than 6' that the opponent is tall,
at a cost of 250 stamina, with a frequency of 20% per round.

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Last edited July 20, 2014 9:30 am by Perem (diff)