Mush Client Highlighter Plugin

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Updated: Thu Jun 23 04:33:09 2011 system time

This plugin allows you to easily highlight words, phrases and even entire 
clanlist for easier spotting in the spam the game can get. The following 
aliases are available:

highlight <something> <colour|pick> - to highlight <something> with the colour
                                      you specify, alternatively you can use
                                      the keyword 'pick' to pop the colour
                                      picker dialog.
highlight clan <name/number> <colour|pick> - same as above, but for a clan.

unhighlight <something>             - to unhighlight something you highlighted.
unhighlight clan <name/number>      - same as above, but for an entire clan.

highlighter_mm:stats                - to display an ugly table of what is
                                      currently being highlighted.
                                      (to be prettyfied later)

highlighter_mm:resetall             - to remove -all- highlights and internal

Note: Sometimes the clan capture system doesn't work in social, it needs to see
      your prompt.


highlight Enelya red - would highlight every instance of the word 'Enelya' in red colour.

highlight Enelya pick - would let you pick a colour from a graphical dialog and proceed from there.

highlight clan diversity springgreen - would colour every member of clan Diversity in springy green.

highlight clan 139 red - would colour everybody in clan 139 red.

unhighlight clan diversity - will remove the highlights for clan Diversity.

unhighlight clan 139 - will remove the highlights for clan 139.

unhighlight Enelya - will remove the highlights for the word 'Enelya'.

Plugin be here: Highlighter_MM

Please report bugs to Enelya.

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Last edited June 23, 2011 3:33 am by Enelya (diff)