Luzzardo Malvenu

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Location: Towne of Rune and Maldra Keep

For Luzzardo Malvenu, you give him gold in the amount of 50k or 100k. In return he gives you a parchment, for 50k with just a room description, or for 100k a description plus the name of the area. You then have to journey to that room found in the description and use the bell (shop buy 1 from Luzzardo himself). If it is the proper room you will see a congratulations message and you simply return to him for the reward. If it isn't you have to keep trying. Only one specific room will work so you may have to try A LOT of rooms.

Rewards are 2 Folklore? points and 7 practices.

You can request a new parchment immediately, after success.
We're missing the time you have to wait when you can't find, or can't get to the room. (Up to 2 hours later, he keeps asking if you lost the parchment, and giving you a new copy.)

+++ Luzzardo Malvenu the professional eccentric will, when given 50,000
gold, dispense with a piece of parchment with a room's description on it.

+++ Luzzardo Malvenu the professional eccentric will, when given 100,000
gold, dispense with a piece of parchment with a room's description on it,
along with the name of its Area.

+++ Luzzardo Malvenu the professional eccentric will, when you ring the
bell that he sells, request that you return to him.

+++ Luzzardo Malvenu the professional eccentric will, upon greeting you
after you have completed his quest, grant 7 practices and 2 folklore. 

Example of a failed room

(Mount: 2267st)
<2000hp 2000sp 2000st> 

 The South Hallway                                      -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

  Walking through the castle, the sound of your foot steps is muffled by a
red velvet carpet, absorbing the sound.  On the walls hang paintings and
other various adornments.  Running along the wall, you can see the
architectural and artistic work put into this castle.  Decorative ivy vines
have been chiseled into the marble walls.  The walls of the castle appear to
have been painted light blue at some point.  Over time the color has faded
and only patches of color remain.  

(Mount: 2266st)
<2000hp 2000sp 2000st> 
use bell
The imp in the bottle shakes its head.

Example of a successful room

use bell

(Mount: 2300st)
<2000hp 2000sp 2000st> 

 The North Hallway                                      -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

  Walking through the castle, the sound of your foot steps is muffled by a
red velvet carpet, absorbing the sound.  On the walls hang paintings and
other various adornments.  Running along the wall, you can see the
architectural and artistic work put into this castle.  Decorative ivy vines
have been chiseled into the marble walls.  The walls of the castle appear to
have been painted light blue at some point.  Over time the color has faded
and only patches of color remain.  

(Mount: 2299st)
<2000hp 2000sp 2000st> 
Luzzardo Malvenu the professional eccentric tells you 'Fine work, Nisin! That wa
s exactly what I needed! Come back and fetch your reward!

Rewards on return

(Mount: 2090st)
<2000hp 2000sp 2000st> 

 Luzzardo Malvenu's Lothario Hideaway                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

  In a rather inappropriately-central location for such a place, this is
Luzzardo Malvenu's shack-up shack, essentially.  Classy burgundy velvet
drapes across the walls, interrupted only by the naked silhouette-shaped
mirrors inset in the walls.  Baby-blue rhinestones set the mood, and line
the way up to the heart-shaped, rotating bed in the center of the room. 
Luzzardo Malvenu, lothario extraordinaire, clearly spares no expense or
taste in making his seduction locations as opulent as possible.  Yet, even
with all of this, he still wants more...  
A long-mustachioed lothario stands here, swirling said mustachio at you.
'Aha, the triumphant victor returns!' Luzzardo Malvenu the professional eccentri
c exclaims. 'Thank you for your help, Nisin!'
You gain 7 practices!
Your Folklore has been increased by 2 to 2.

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Last edited June 29, 2012 5:38 am by Ruthgul (diff)